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I watched the five of them all get close and cuddly on the couch as they watched a movie.

I couldn't help but feel a little left out and jealous as Nick hugged Luke's body.

I wondered if this is how it would always be

Would they just wait for the day I turn eighteen so that I could leave and they just keep Nick?

These thoughts made tears prick my eyes, so I slowly got up, not drawing attention to myself as I went to the bedroom that I knew was the guest room from Luke.

I sat on the bed, plugging up my phone as an excuse just Incase anyone came in wondering.

I sat on the ground, pulling my knees to my chest, touching my head to my knees as I felt the tightness in my chest.

Normally I only got anxiety attacks when I was stressed or extremely exhausted- I think this one was a mixture of both of those things.

I closed my eyes, making myself take deep breaths.

I soon heard footsteps before the smallest knock- but I knew that I had my door open, so I was revealed.

I lifted my head, seeing Calum, who entered, sitting beside me, carefully guiding my head back down to my knees.

"It's been a long and emotional day, you just need to relax" he spoke calmly, stroking my hair gently.

"I'm sorry" I spoke into my knees, feeling my voice crack.

"You have no reason-" "I shouldn't have been stupid about the situation, I should've just told someone, he would've never gotten sick, Luke and Ashton would be nice and Nick would've grown up better-" "hey, hush" he spoke quickly

He pulled me into his chest, hugging me.

"You did what you thought was best- you were young and scared, you've dealt with things none of us can understand, and that's not your fault." He spoke quietly.

"Considering the circumstances, I actually give you credit, Nick was very healthy for the situation, any other kid would've been infected with diseases and smelling like garbage, but the only thing wrong with him was his weight, you did good, Aubrey" he spoke slowly

"And for Luke and Ashton- there is no justifying that, they're mad, but they'll get over it. They were scared and stressed over the situation, but now we have both of you safe and adopted, from this point on I can tell you, things will get better"

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