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The next day

We had spent all morning in the parks and decided to go to the hotel for Nick to nap so that we could stay longer tonight, but this was not going well at all.

We each watched as Aubrey laid in the bed with him, trying to make him relax and watch a movie to put himself to sleep, but this was not working at all.

"Nick, you have to nap bubba" Aubrey spoke calmly, holding his hands as she noticed he was trying to get out of the bed.

"I want to go see Mickey Mouse." He spoke firmly, staring to her.

None of us intruded on their conversation, letting Aubrey handle it until we noticed it getting to a point to where she wouldn't be able to.

She pulled his body closer, saying a swift "just give me a hug and let's watch Turbo" and before any of us even saw it coming- he delivered a surprisingly loud slap across her face- making each and every one of us jump in, Luke immediately picking him up and off the bed, instantly fussing towards him in a calm manner.

Gentle parenting.

I went to Aubrey as Michael and Luke handled Nick, seeing her rubbing her cheek.

"I guess we should've just let him go to the fucking park." Aubrey spoke as I made her hand, seeing the small hand print forming on her cheek.

I kissed the spot gently, asking if she needed anything, which she denied.

Just as she walked into a hug with me, I heard Luke

"And no matter how mad or frustrated we are- we never ever hit anyone- especially a girl." He spoke firmly, over Nick's crying.

"Let's go sit on the balcony." I told Aubrey, making her immediately follow me as Luke finished his lecture.

Her and I sat outside and I let her rant about him.

"I just don't understand- he used to never act the way he acts now." She summed up her rant slowly, shaking her head.

"There's a lot of change that he's having to take in and he's now being surrounded by a lot of men, which he hasn't had in a while. He just has to relearn the boundary of what we will all tolerate and what we won't." I told her calmly.

"Do you think he will remember everything?" She asked me, making me took to her.

"Do you remember anything from when you were five?" I asked calmly, knowing that I surely didn't remember anything.

"Not really." She mumbled.

"I mean- I guess there's a chance, just because so much happened that genuinely changed your lives." I spoke slowly.

"Do you think he will hate me for keeping him?" She asked slowly, making me grab her hand, seeing her look to me.

"Why would you think he would hate you-" "Nick was and is a baby- I mean he was four when this went down at the beginning, he could've gotten adopted so easily but instead and I was selfish and kept him in a house with no air conditioner, no hot water, no electricity-" "let's not forget who you were when you came to us, Aubrey." I spoke firmly.

"Yeah you guys didn't have the bare necessities at all, but you always provided him with food, healthcare, little things that he just wanted. You worked your ass off to keep you and your little brother together and I think when he grows up and realizes everything, he's going to be more than thankful for you and realize how badass his big sister is." I spoke, making her smile as she laughed to me lightly.

"Yeah- I can't wait to tell him the story of how I got detained for no reason and Ashton had to come save me." She laughed just as the balcony door opened, Nick and Luke appearing.

"Nick has something to say to you." Luke spoke as Nick went straight to Aubrey, looking to her face.

"I am sorry I hit you. I was just frustrated because I wanted to see Mickey Mouse." He vocalized his feelings well, making me realize how good of a talk Luke must've had with him.

"Thank you for your apology, I forgive you." she spoke back to him simply.

"Can I have a hug?" He then asked after a second and Aubrey didn't hesitate to pull him into a hug before kissing his head gently.

"Okay Nick- let's go nap so we can go back to the park soon." Luke spoke, making Nick leave- which made Aubrey exhale.

"I wish that I believed that Nick actually wanted to say that to me, but I just know he's only saying it because Luke wants him to."

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