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He walked silently as I kept my head on his shoulder, praying I didn't look like I had been crying.

He soon went through a curtain in the ER, setting me on a bed, where I looked to him, watching him grab several things.

"This might burn" he spoke quietly, making me immediately whine.

"Then please don't do it" I spoke.

"I have to clean it, Aubrey" he spoke sympathetically.

I rubbed my face slowly, understanding, knowing I was being a huge titty baby.

"I'm sorry" I spoke, feeling him wiping the blood that had ran, which didn't burn because the cuts were mainly on my knees.

"No need to apologize." He spoke.

I let my body relax, letting my head rest against the bed.

"Where's Nick?" I asked.

"Doing the same thing as you with Michael" he spoke simply as Calum entered, looking to what Luke was doing.

"She's still bleeding from her elbow" he spoke, slowly lifting my arm, pressing a wet rag to it, making it immediately sting.

"I'm thinking she might need a stitch in her knee and then two in her elbow, I hadn't got to look at them too closely" he spoke, covering my knee with the rag, making me instantly sit up from the burning sensation.

"O-okay, I'm fine, you can stop" I quickly spoke, hearing both Calum and Luke speaking to me.

"You're fine" Luke spoke firmly, moving the rag and focusing back to the cuts.

I felt my eyes watering as I looked towards to ceiling.

Today had been the worst day of my life.

"No stitches in the right knee" Luke spoke, slowly putting a sort of cream over the red and swollen part of my knee, carefully putting a bandaid over it.


As he cleaned my other knee, Michael entered, holding my sleeping brother.

"Want him?" Michael asked me slowly.

He could be the biggest asshole in the world to me, and I'd still want him.

I took him, holding him into my chest.

He shifted lightly, sitting up- telling me he was awake.

He looked around the room and I immediately felt discouraged- knowing he would want to go to one of the guys

But to my surprise, he moved closer to me, tucking his head into my neck, exhaling.

"I love you" he spoke quietly.

I squeezed him

"I love you too bubba"

"Might get away with no stitches" Luke spoke as he did the same as my left knee to my right, checking my elbow, which  Calum had cleaned,

"She's lucky, even Nick got two" michael spoke quietly.

"I don't know that lucky is the word for it"

Luke wrapped my elbow, confirming that I didn't need stitches.

"The perfect patient" Luke smiled, gently kissing my hurt elbow once he was done wrapping it.

Something my mom would've done

Because kisses make everything better,

"Ready to go home?" Calum asked, tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah" I exhaled.

Ashton grabbed Nick from me carefully, holding his sleeping body as Michael helped me stand.

"Let's go home"

We all walked together, past the spot Nick almost died today, past the spot that I screamed at Nick for scaring the hell out of me.

I rode with Luke and Ashton, Ashton opting to sit in the back with me, leaving Luke by himself in the front.

I let my head rest on Ashton's shoulder as Luke drove, a comfortable silence filling the space.

"Long day." Ashton mumbled quietly, letting his head gently rest on my own.

"Yeah" I exhaled to him.

"It's gonna get better soon, Aubrey" Luke spoke from the front

"I know everything sucks right now and I know it's hard to look at the bright side of things, but I promise you, I'm going to make sure it gets better"

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