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Two week later.

"Come on, come on- both of you are going to be late and that's going to make me late" I sang as Aubrey grabbed her shoes, never dropping her smile towards me as she quite literally ran out the door, Nick trailing close behind her.

I was on bring to school duty due to the rest of the guys getting called into work early and I was not good with time management, which clearly messed up our entire morning.

"Breakfast" I smiled as Aubrey buckled up, Nick having already done so, myself passing them both a few fruit type granola bars.

"I don't like blueberry!" I suddenly heard Nick whine out, but Aubrey didn't hesitate to switch with him quickly, rolling her eyes in the process

We dropped Nick off first, making sure a teacher had him before bringing Aubrey to school where she talked about her small group of friends.

"Yeah and Bailey wants to go to the football game, but I'm not sure-" "I've heard a lot about this Bailey guy, what's up with him?" I asked seeing her immediately smile as she looked to me.

"I haven't quite figured that out yet." She immediately smiled to me, making me shake my head.

"Just don't let him break that little heart." I spoke to her, seeing her smile.

"I'd never,"


I walked into study hall, immediately seeing Bailey and Carly.

"Hi guys." I spoke, immediately seeing them smile towards me.

"For the beautiful lady." Bailey spoke, handing me the smallest yellow flower that he must've picked on the walk to school, making me immediately smile

"Thank you" I spoke to him, taking it carefully.

We all studied for a test we had before heading to first period and the day went about as slow as it normally goes.

Lunch soon rolled around and that's when our school day ends due to being seniors, so my whole group of friends went to Chipotle, getting bowls and wraps and joining each other at a table.

Bailey sat closely next to me, telling a story about his little brother as we all ate.

When suddenly, I heard a strangely familiar, but loud group.

Michael, Ashton, Calum, Luke and probably about two interns of each.

What a coincidence.

They didn't look in our direction at first, so I just watched as they all discussed what they were getting for lunch.

Then suddenly, I got a text from Luke

Hey! At chipotle, do you want me to get you your bowl?

I smiled at the text, immediately sending him a picture of my view, setting my phone down once I did

"Why the smile?" Bailey asked, looking to me.

"That's my family and their coworkers." I laughed, seeing my whole group look to them.

"Damn- your adopted dad is the blonde one?" Carly asked slowly, making me nod.

"Respectfully, Aubrey" one of the other girls, Marissa smiled

"Your dad and his friends are hot." She spoke, making me immediately shake my head.

Carly nodded in agreement as I watched Luke suddenly turn towards us, his face lighting up as he hit Calum, making both of them come towards us

"Yeah- I'd let him check my-" "Carly." I cleared my throat to cut her off from something that I just knew was going to be inappropriate, just in time.

"Hi" Luke smiled immediately.

"Hey" I responded, laughing as I did.

"Luke, Cal- this is Bailey, Marissa and Carly, guys meet Luke and Calum, Michael and Ashton are in line." I quickly introduced, making them all exchange professional handshakes.

After a moment of just having normal meeting talk about school and such, Luke clapped lightly

"Well- didn't mean to intrude, just wanted to speak-" "give me a ride back to the hospital with you?" I smiled to him, making him immediately smile.

"Of course." Luke nodded.

They left to order their food as Carley immediately fanned herself, exhaling.

"That man- is God's favorite." She spoke quickly, making me laugh.

"Don't even get me started on Calum- the man's tattoos would wipe me off this earth-" "let's not forget that these are Aubrey's guardians we are talking about." Bailey laughed lightly, squeezing my hand under the table.

"Oh I'm well aware- I'm trying to be Aubrey's step mom."


I watched as they all suddenly broke into laughter, Aubrey's head leaning on Baileys shoulder as she wiped a tear from laughing, before immediately picking her head back up.

"I'm glad she found her group." Luke nodded firmly.

I nodded in agreement.

We all grabbed our food to go, seeing Aubrey and her friends throwing away their plates, each giving hugs.

I noticed Aubrey and Bailey hugging a bit longer, Bailey leaving his arms around her as they talked to each other, but I wasn't the only one to notice this.

Before I could say anything, Ashton quickly threw his arm around Baileys neck making Aubrey immediately say a quick warning toned "Ashton."

"You must be Bailey." He spoke with a firm smile.

"Yes sir" Bailey responded with the smallest laugh, glancing to Aubrey for reassurance.

"I haven't heard half of what I want to hear about you- so how about you come over sometime? We have a pool, video games, anything you could imagine." Ashton offered, making Aubrey shove him lightly as he went to throw his extra arm around her.

"I'd love that,"

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