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One month later.

"Luke- wait- he needs sunscreen!" Aubrey panicked, making me stop walking with Nick, letting Aubrey rub a sunscreen stick across his cheeks quickly before adjusting his hat on his head.

Ever since our talk, things had been great.

We were currently at Disney, and everyone was stoked, even me.

We went through most of the kiddy rides with Nick before venturing our way into the more adult area, where Aubrey and Calum turned into pure kids together.

Before we knew it, they were no where to be found


"Oh fuck" I spoke as I held Calum tightly, the elevator about to drop on the Tower of Terror.

And was I right because that was the scariest ride I've ever rode.

We got off, laughing at each other's reactions in the pictures they took before heading back into the parks, searching for the guys using Life360, seeing that they were at the castle.

We all took group pictures together before riding a few rides that didn't scare Nick together and then taking turns with everyone on the rides that Nick didn't want to ride.

The day was so good.

I held Nick in my arms, spinning him as Michael took pictures of the moment, smiling as he did.

While we waiting on the other guys to finish riding the rock and roll rollercoaster, we went into a few stores, looking at everything they had.

"My mom always wanted to bring us here" i exhaled as I watched Nick interact with a worker who was giving him stickers.

"She's here with us" michael spoke, his arm going around us, making me nod in agreement.

"And she is so thankful for you guys." I exhaled


Soon it was getting late and Nick missed his nap- sending him into pure meltdown mode.

We knew Aubrey wanted to see the fireworks, but as soon as she caught onto the fact that his meltdown wasn't going to change, she was insisting that no one should have to miss out on it and that we could all see it together another night.

So we went back to our hotel, Nick falling asleep in Aubrey's arms on the bus ride back to the hotel.

"Looks like Nick wasn't the only one who needed sunscreen." Ashton laughed, motioning to Aubrey's bright red cheeks, which made her smile.

"Too caught up in all the fun."

We out Nick to bed in the hotel before ordering room service and sitting on our balcony, us all listening to music and staring into the sunset.

"Thanks for this, you guys." Aubrey spoke randomly, never looking to us.

"You don't have to thank us, thank you for letting us take you guys." Luke spoke back swiftly.

And before we knew it, we could see the fireworks from our hotel.

Not as good as in person I'm sure, but Aubrey never stopped smiling.

I watched as Luke put his arm around her, herself laying her head on his shoulder.

"This is awesome"

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