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two days later.

It's not that I was depressed

I had my moments of happiness

All four of the guys made sure I was happy

But Nick was the center of attention

Not that, that was a bad thing, but I'm used to him being the center of my attention

And when he is receiving so much attention from so many people, he doesn't really care about his old source of attention.

So I just patiently waited for my turn to give my brother attention again, and it was absolutely killing me.

It scared me

I didn't want Nick to like them more than me.

Yes I'm thankful for the guys, they probably saved our lives, but yet- I want to be my little brothers favorite person.

I sacrificed so much for him and worked my ass off for him, and he completely forgets who I am as soon as four doctors come into the picture.

I'm scared that he doesn't love me anymore.

I'm scared that he'll forget everything I've done for him

I'm just scared of losing my little brother.

It was currently three in the morning and I was crying in the shower to these thoughts.

I was clearly on my period

I was having cramps

I was sad

I start a fucking private school today

But I was going to be okay.

I continued to tell myself that until I gained enough composure to get out of the shower.

I slipped on Nike shorts and a random big t shirt, adding socks before throwing my wet hair into a bun.

I walked back into my room, knowing I still had time to sleep.

But I didn't want to.

I trudged quietly down the hall to Nick's room, quietly pushing the door, seeing him sleeping.

So I kidnapped him.

I picked him up, finally realizing how much weight he had gained as I struggled to carry him down the hall and into my bed.

Out of breath from the strain, I slowly covered him, feeling successful.

I shut my door, turning my light off before cuddling up to him in bed, feeling his sleeping body almost nuzzle closer to me, which is just what I wanted.


I woke up to my alarm, letting out an immediate groan.

I turned it off, rubbing my eyes before grabbing my phone, scrolling through my social media's for a little bit.

I soon got up, starting my shower before deciding to make sure Nick and Aubrey were okay.

Since Aubrey's room was closer, I went there first, surprisingly seeing two lumps in the bed.

I got closer, seeing that it was Nick and Aubrey, both out cold, Aubrey's head resting against Nicks chest, her holding him closer than I've ever seen her.

I covered her up more, sighing lightly.

I wish she would open up to us.

I showered, getting out and changing before hearing my bedroom door open.

I opened the bathroom door, seeing a half asleep Nick crawling into my bed.

"Why'd you leave your sister?" I asked him.

"Wanted to be with you" he spoke simply, looking towards my tv.

"You don't think that hurt Aubrey's feelings?" I asked.

He shrugged, his full attention on the tv.

I turned the tv off, making him look to me

"Why don't you want to spend any time with you sister?" I asked him.

"I do" he whined out, falling back in my bed.

"Then why don't you act like it?" I questioned.

"I dunno" he spoke quietly, blinking to me unamused.

"You need to start being nicer to your sister" I spoke firmly, handing him the remote.

"I will"

I made sure Aubrey was up before continuing to get ready.

"So you guys are taking Nick to school, I'll take Aubrey?" Calum asked.

"Sure" I nodded.

"I am not built for this life" Aubrey spoke as she came down the stairs in the school uniform, more than unamused.

"You'll have fun." I assured her.

She wrinkled her nose, adjusting the skirt, looking to Calum, who pulled her straight into a hug.

I wished I could connect with her the way Calum had.

"Nick, tie your shoes and put your stuff in your bag" she spoke as he sat at the table, playing on Ashton's phone.

He ignored, making me instantly start praying that he would listen to her.

Everyone was focused to him.

"Nick" she spoke again

"What?" He shot to her quickly, making her eyebrows raise.

"I said tie your shoes and put your stuff in you bag, it's time to go." she spoke slower.

"I will." He spoke.

"Nick" I spoke firmer.

He looked to me, all signs of an attitude leaving.

"Listen to your sister, tie your shoes and put your stuff in your bag, it's time to go." I spoke, making him immediately set Ashton's phone down, doing as said.

Aubrey let out the smallest laugh, her eyes never leaving him.

"Can we just go?"

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