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"What are you guys doing?" Luke asked, looking in Calum's hands, seeing the picture, making him look to me.

"You okay?" He asked quietly.

"Of course" I nodded firmly.

He gave me a nod back, not questioning me- which made me thank god.

He soon left, taking Nick with him.

I looked to Calum, seeing him exhale lightly.

"I can't tell what's going through your head" he spoke slowly, never looking away from me.

"You don't want to know" I mumbled.

"Why not?" He asked.

I knew if we kept talking, I would end up crying- and I haven't did that in front of him yet- nor did I plan to.

"There's just a lot going on right now" I mumbled quietly.

He slowly nodded.

"How can I help?" He asked me slowly.

"I don't think you can" I laughed lightly.

"Come on" he mumbled, moving to his feet, extending his hands to me.

I took his hands, letting him pull me to my feet.

I expected him to let go of my hands and talk to me, but instead he pulled me straight into a hug, which I immediately accepted.

I closed my eyes as my head hit his shoulder.

I had been doing great at processing things, I hadn't cried in forever, I hadn't thought about my parents or my uncle, but now that everything has changed, they're all I can think about.

"So I'm supposed to take you to get your shots" he mumbled, never letting me out of the hug, but I wasn't complaining.

"Great" I exhaled lightly.

"How about, we go to Ashton and let him do the shots and then you and me can go get smoothies or whatever you want" he spoke, us both pulling away.

"Let's do it" I exhaled again.

I told Nick that I would be back, giving him a gentle kiss on the head before leaving with Calum.

We listened to music, refraining from talking much, until we pulled into a designated spot with his name and job on it, making him immediately get out.

We walked side by side through the hospital, going straight into an exam room, where Ashton was setting the four needles and wipes up,

"Let's get this over with, shall we?"

After being asked about ten times by the both of them if I was okay, they gave me a small countdown and then I felt the four sharp, quick stabs.

"See, not too bad" Ashton smiled, slowly putting bandaids over his side as Calum did the same to my other.

"Not horrible" I agreed slowly, seeing him smile even wider, because he knew he was right.

"Smoothie time" Calum clapped his hands together, immediately taking my hand to help me from the bed.

"I'm coming with too!" Ashton exclaimed, making Calum look to me slowly, as if asking for permission.

"What?" I asked him.

"Do you mind Ash coming?" He asked.

"Not at all"

But even if I did mind him coming, how was I supposed to announce that with him standing right in front of me.

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