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I put him down for a nap, knowing he definitely needed one since he was crying so much.

I cleaned around the house, sitting and looking to my phone.

I went to my contacts looking to the user ID, contemplating.

I pressed call.

I didn't expect him to answer

But when he did, I was more than confused

"Hello?" He spoke.

I could barely speak.

"U-uncle Scott?" I spoke.

"Aubrey" he breathed out.

"Where the fuck did you go" I immediately began crying.

"I had to go start a job-" "oh so you just pick up all your shit and leave Nick and I to suffer for years-" "I knew you would call the police and I knew child protective services would get you guys, I had a plan in my head" he mumbled out.

"Well your plan didn't go to plan- I didn't call anyone because I didn't want us to be separated, we're still living in the house, I'm working my ass off to get us the things we need-" "Aubrey why would you not call the fucking police?!" He almost yelled.

"Why would you not tell me you were leaving us?" I cried out.

He was silent.

"Everyone has left us out entire life, mom died- dad died, you were all that we had and you left us" I sobbed out, hearing him exhale.

"Aubrey, I'm calling the police, don't fight them, you'll be fine. I'll tell them not to separate you two, life will be better-" "call the police and I swear to god, we'll run away" I sobbed out.

"It's the police, Aubrey- you wont run far"

"Stop-" The line went dead.

"Holy shit" I paced nervously, feeling tears fall down my cheeks.

I started packing Nick's things, knowing what I had to do.

I was giving Nick the life he needed.

I woke him up, carrying him at a quick pace to the hospital.

I ran into Luke's office, seeing him doing paperwork

"Luke!" Nick yelled out.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked, seeing my state.

"All of his necessities are in here including money for any other expenses, it's not enough and I know that, but I'll pay you guys back I promise." I spoke quickly, handing him to Luke, throwing his bag behind his desk.

"Slow down, Aubrey-" "I cant, you'll understand soon, but please just don't let them take him from you- keep him please, I'm begging you. I'll be done in a year and I'll get an apartment and get him back, I promise" I cried out, kissing his head firmly, feeling his hand touch my face lightly.

"I love you, Nick" I cried out.

"I love you too" he mumbled.

"Don't let anyone take him from you guys." I spoke sternly to Luke, who was more than confused before I ran out.

I ran to the house, sitting on the floor beside the couch.

Within ten minutes I heard talking outside.

"San Diego Police Department" I heard along with a few knocks.

I slowly got up, going to the door and opening it.

"Hi sweetheart" an officer immediately said, I stayed silent.

"We got an anonymous call that two kids were living here alone-" "I'm seventeen, I'll be eighteen in six months" I mumbled, moving to push the door shut, but his hand stopped the door.

"You know you can live alone yet- especially in these conditions" he mumbled.

"We can live without lights- we've done that for months" I spoke quickly.

"Let us come in, sweetheart" the woman behind him said.

I didn't have a choice, I knew that

I let them in.

The three of them walked around, looking silently.

The lady came to me, looking to me.

"Where's your mom, sweetie?" She asked sympathetically.

"Dead, mom and dad are both dead" I spoke emotionless.

"How did you get away with being alone for so long-" "my uncle had custody of us, this is our house, he left us here one morning and we stayed because I didn't want us to get separated" I explained, seeing her nod.

"Where's your sibling?" She asked me.

"He's with people I trust, I want them to keep him until I'm out of the orphanage- or whatever" I spoke simply.

"That's not how that works, you'll have to tell me where he is-" "Why?" I shot to her, seeing her laugh.

"She's resisting an officer- she's not answering my questions" the doctor spoke to the others.

"I asked you a question- that isn't resisting" I spat out.

"Giving you trouble?" A male questioned, entering.

They made me nervous, no doubt.

"She's had a little attitude the whole fucking time-" "I literally asked you a question" I laughed out.

"Turn around, hands against the wall"

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