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"How did the police find out where you were?" Luke asked me.

"Nick wasn't happy to be home, at all, he had pitched like three fits and when I put him down for a nap I decided to call my uncle- just to see if things could possibly get better for us. When I told him that we hadn't ever contacted anyone, he almost immediately hung up and called the police. I ran Nick to you, because if he has to be away from me and with someone, I wanted him to be with you guys" I shrugged out.

I finally looked up to them, seeing them both looking to me.

"I never meant for Nick to get sick, he always had food, I promise you-" "we know that, it's very clear to us that you didn't want to hurt him." Luke spoke.

"Have you had time to grieve, have you been the therapy, when's the last time you had a check up?" Ashton shot questions to me.

"I haven't been to the doctor in probably six years, we never went for check ups even before my mom-" they cut me off by both standing in unison, confusing the fuck out of me.

"What are you-" "you're going to get a check up, let's go"

We walked into the living room, seeing the two guys look to us.

"We'll be back" Ashton spoke, grabbing his keys

"Where you going-" "she hasn't had a check up in six years" Luke spoke before rushing me out the door.

I haven't had one in six years, I didn't know why they were rushing, I'm sure I could wait another day.

We got out at the familiar hospital, almost immediately going into an exam room.

"On the bed" Luke spoke out, making Ashton sit in one of the open chairs.

I stayed silent, swinging my legs as Luke
messed around on the computer.

"Who's the two guys watching my brother?" I asked, seeing Ashton look to me.

"The one who comforted you in the car was Michael, Calum is the other, they're fellow doctors" Ashton explained as Luke stood, coming to me.

"I've never liked doctors" I spoke truthfully as he pulled his stethoscope out, my words making a smile come to his face.

"Perfect" he laughed, putting his stethoscope into his ears.

"I'm just listening to your heart and lungs"

I went silent, letting him rest the bell onto my chest, holding my shoulder gently.

He moved to my lungs, making me take deep breaths.

"You're actually nervous, your heart is beating fast" Luke spoke as he pulled away.

"I just told you I didn't like doctors-" "I thought you were joking" he laughed out quickly.

"What about my attitude makes you think I'm in a joking mood?"

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