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"I don't understand why it wouldn't work. You are both the same age, he seems like a nice kid-" we all listened as Ashton spoke to Aubrey about why she didn't want to even consider Bailey as a 'boyfriend'.

"Because, Ashton." She just laughed, rolling her eyes with a smile

"Because what? Did he give you the ick or something?" Ashton asked, laughing lightly as he did.

"How do you know what that is?" Aubrey quickly shot to him, clearly shocked that he used the word ick.

"Aubrey I'm only like thirty two- I know slang. Don't make me feel old ." He immediately laughed, rolling his eyes as he spoke to her

"I'm with Ashton, I need a valid excuse as to why you won't consider, because I see the way you two look at each other- that's not just a friend look." Michael chimed in, making her exhale.

"He is going to New York for college." She spoke slowly, making us all exhale in almost unison.

"So I don't see the point in continuing or even starting something that is just going to wind up being ruined by distance." She spoke slowly.

"Well you don't know that it would be ruined by distance, a lot of relationships past with distance." I chimed in slowly, seeing her exhale.

"It's just not what I want in a relationship." She spoke carefully

"Well- I mean, you're a smart kid. Your test scores are fucking brilliant, I know any school in  New York would accept you, probably even pay you to go-" "yeah- they have accepted me." She spoke slowly, making us all stare to her.

"You've been applying to colleges?" I was the first to ask.

"Yeah, I graduate in a month so it was time." She laughed lightly.

"Why didn't you tell us- where have you been accepted?" Calum quickly spoke, making her stand, grabbing a blue folder out of her backpack before setting out a few papers, all seeming a bit fancy.

They were all college acceptance letters, some offering scholarships, job positions, internships, shit I would've paid to get into when I was in college.

"Shit Aubrey- congratulations, this is fucking awesome." Michael spoke, the smile firm on his face.

"NYU is literally willing to pay for a full ride and house you- this is insane." Ashton spoke, reading a paper as he did.

"I'm not going to any of those schools." She spoke, making everyone immediately look to her, even I was a bit shocked that she was willing to drop an offer like this.

"W-why?" I immediately asked, seeing her look to Nick.

"I have priorities here." She spoke, clearing her throat.

We all looked to each other.

"I understand what you're saying, Aubrey." Calum was the first to really speak.

"But these are all once in a lifetime opportunities, and I understand that you'd get offers from here as well, but going into a the medical field and med school- the better the college that you went to, the more of a chance you have getting into med school and then internships." He spoke, knowing she wanted to go into the medical field.

"I'm aware, which is why I applied to all of these colleges." She exhaled slowly.

"But- I have to be here for Nick." She spoke firmly.

"Aubrey." I spoke, seeing her stare to me.

"I understand that you feel like you need to be a mother to Nick and that you should always be here to protect him." I spoke slowly, seeing her eyes watering up as I spoke.

"But- if there is even an ounce of you that wants to go to this school- do it. We have Nick, you know we are capable of taking care of him. We will FaceTime you all the time, we will come to visit, fly you here to visit- it won't be like you'll never see him again. It's time to be a kid, baby. It's time to put yourself first, for once in your life." I told her calmly, seeing her immediately wipe a tear that fell as I spoke.

"I just- so much could happen. I'd never forgive myself for leaving if something happened to him while I was gone." She spoke, Calum immediately throwing an arm around her to comfort her.

"He is safer than he will ever be with us. You know that." Ashton spoke slowly, smiling to her as she picked up the NYU paper.

"How about this" I proposed.

"All of us, Bailey and his family- we can all go tour the campus and some apartments, just check out how everything would be. If you don't want to be there after that- no big deal, we won't think twice about it, but if you love it- then it'll seal the deal." I spoke to her, seeing her exhale, glancing to Nick, who was asleep on the couch.

"Okay. Let's do it."

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