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Calum and I went back into the parks alone, grabbing a few snacks before riding a few rides that we didn't have the chance to ride when everyone else was with us.

And after about two hours and an additional hour of searching for the guys once they texted us that they were here- I felt like shit.

I sat on the first bench I could find, feeling Calum sit right beside me.

"It's hot." Calum pointed out the very obvious.

I couldn't even find it within myself to respond.


We finally saw Calum and Aubrey after searching for them for an ungodly amount of time and I could immediately tell, they both didn't feel good.

Aubrey was sitting, her head laying on her arms which where resting on the bench, not even looking to us once she heard our voice.

Calum was slouched back in the bench, a sweat ring around his neck, a vivid sunburn coating his skin.

"Did you guys drink alcohol?" Ashton was the first to ask, but I knew this wasn't the case.

"I wish." I heard Aubrey groan out, Calum not even smiling at the question.

"Calum mate, your sunburn is something serious" Michael suddenly spoke, making us all focus to his cheeks and shoulders, which were not in good shape at all.

This immediately made me turn to Aubrey, immediately putting my hand over her skin to block the sun to see whether she was burnt as well or not, and she had the same burn across her shoulders, neck and most of her stomach due to the tube top she was wearing.

"I'd bet that they have sun poisoning." Ashton spoke suddenly, making me immediately say a small prayer in my head that it wasn't that bad, because that would ruin the rest of the trip we had planned.

But as soon as we got them into the shade, to where we could really see them- we knew it wasn't good.

"She has blisters already, we should get them back to the hotel and start doing cooling compressions and aloe vera." Michael pointed out, holding Aubrey's hands firmly.

We immediately agreed.

"I'm so tired." Aubrey told me as I held her arm gently, walking her to our bus.

"I'm sure you're dehydrated." I spoke, making her sit on the bus, us putting Calum right beside her.

"I think we fucked up when we waited in line for over an hour in direct sunlight for the seven dwarves ride." Calum spoke, immediately making us nod.

You could never feel this kind of burn coming, it would just hit you suddenly.

"That'll do it." Michael laughed, shaking his head lightly.

Thankfully, we were doctors and went everywhere prepared so we had cooling rags and aloe vera packed and already ready.

Michael helped Calum as I helped Aubrey, working around the tube top without making her uncomfortable to make sure I got every inch of her skin that was burnt.

I put the cooling rags on after the aloe, immediately making her drink water once I had everything situated.

And then we made her and Calum lay in bed, where they almost immediately fell asleep.

"Is sissy sick?" Nick asked as Ashton readjusted a few of her cooling rags that had moved when she laid down.

"Sissy got a really bad ouchie from the sun."

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