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He grabbed blankets and we ended up outside, sitting in the grass, looking to the stars.

We shared a blanket, sitting in comfortable silence for a few moments.

"What's going through your head?" He asked,

"A lot" I mumbled out quietly.

"Well, lets start at what I know" he mumbled, making me look to him.

"The date wasn't that good?" He asked, making me shrug.

"It wasn't horrible, he just wasn't as nice I guess, he said I wasn't acting normal with him, but it seemed the exact opposite to me" I mumbled.

"Why do you think he was acting different?" He asked me.

"I really don't know" I mumbled, feeling him put his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"Well, from personal experience, I can tell you that sometimes- we're just weird" he laughed lightly, making me smile.

"We don't always know what to say or do and sometimes we get super awkward- he'll most likely be back to normal tomorrow and once you two get closer, it won't be like that at all." He spoke quietly.

"I hope" I mumbled, hearing him hum lightly.

"Now what about the other things bothering you" he spoke slowly.

That made me exhaled.

"I don't know" I mumbled.

"It's just, like before you guys came into the picture, I never thought about my parents, I never had time to miss them, I never had time to think about how shitty everyone has treated us" I felt my throat tightening as I spoke, telling me I was close to crying.

"I don't know" I whispered, avoiding looking to him, knowing I'd cry at anything right now.

He rubbed my arms slowly, steadily pulling me closer and closer to him.

I leaned into him.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared" I let the tear fall.

"Of what?" He asked me slowly.

"Falling in love with the family you guys are giving me" I managed to laugh through my tears.

"And I'm trying to fucking hard to keep Nick from falling in love with you guys, but he's already more in love with you guys than he is with me and it just fucking kills me" more and more tears fell.

"I don't want to lose my little brother- he's literally the only fucking reason I didn't kill myself, I have absolutely no purpose if he doesn't need me-" " okay stop" Luke spoke calmly, grabbing my hands and making me look to him.

"Recognize that tightness in your chest." He spoke to me, making me immediately stop ignoring the compression in my chest- which was making it harder and harder to breathe.

"Take deep breaths with me" he spoke, breathing in and out slowly.

I did it with him, letting the tears that needed to fall, fall.

"Now, relax" he spoke, pulling me to where I was between his legs, resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

He played with my hair slowly as I held his free arm to my chest, completely cuddling into him, which he didn't seem to mind.

"I know that you have trust issues, and I know that it's scary to go into a similar situation with strangers- we all understand that" he spoke slowly.

"But I swear, on my life. We will not abandon you, we won't leave you, we will give you everything we can until our very last moments on this earth, and the same goes for your brother" Luke spoke slowly.

"And I know you may not be able to believe me just yet, but I'll prove it to you" he spoke as I wiped my tears, never leaving his chest.

"I miss my dad" I spoke quietly, feeling the tears come right back into my eyes.

I felt his lips press against my forehead, making me close my eyes.

"He's always here with you, Aubrey"

"Please don't leave me" I cried out again, feeling him squeeze me even tighter.

"It'll be a very long time before I ever willingly leave you."

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