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"I do too" I heard her mumbled, making me squeeze my eyes shut, wanting to slam my head into the wall.

"Then let me touch you" his voice spoke, making me grab the doorknob.

"Dawson" I heard her voice say firmly.

"You said you wanted me-" "this is not what I meant." She spoke at a fast pace.

"Then what do you-" "I want to wait." She spoke, making me proud.

Maybe he would chill, I prayed the horny ass teenage boy would chill before I had to go in there and make him chill myself.

"Why wait though, if we're going to do it eventually anyway- you know I care about you, I'm not going to take advantage of you" he spoke.

"You're being very pressuring" she spoke, making me text Luke to warn him, because I knew I was about to kill the kid.

"I just want you, come on baby" he spoke, and I heard a noise that sounded like kissing, making me immediately turn the knob of the door, but her voice stopped me.

"I think you need to go home."

I could've ran in there and hugged her, I was so fucking proud.

"Come on Aubrey- you're this scared of sex?" He laughed, making me walk in- the same timing as Luke.

"I agree with Aubrey" I immediately spoke, making him freeze in his spot, his hands still on her waist.

"I think you need to go home." I spoke, making sure I sounded pissed.

He looked to Aubrey, who was trying to get his hands off of her.

"Dude" Luke's voice spoke, fully grabbing his shoulder, pulling him away from Aubrey- who immediately got out of the corner she was forced into.

"Let go of my daughter, get your shit and get the fuck out. And once you're gone- go home and pray that I never catch you talking to her again because I'll make damn sure it would happen again." He spoke, shoving Dawson out of the kitchen, making him put his hands up in defense.

"She wanted me-" he laughed out.

"Oh yeah, I could tell from the conversation you two were having" I laughed out towards him.

He nodded slowly.

"Check her neck, she wanted me ten minutes ago"

Both Luke and I looked to her, her gaze staring to Dawson, and I knew

she was fucked

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