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Calum and I put together her bed, Michael working on her dresser and Ashton and her in the bathroom, setting up God knows what.

"Why do I feel like you got the easy job?" Calum spoke to Ashton as he walked out, a smile immediately moving across his face.

"I have a key role in decorating, you guys wouldn't understand."

And within a few hours, everything was set up.

We finished helping Bailey set up his room and bathroom before ordering pizza, us all sitting down to eat together, the conversation never stopping.

Soon Sierra and Baileys mom- Wendy, went to sleep on the air mattress in the living room, leaving us Bailey and then all of us awake, where we took the conversation into Aubrey's room to make sure we didn't wake the girls.

They discussed all of what they had done the night before and this morning when they were waiting on us, which seemed entertaining to say the least.

"Oh yeah!" Nick suddenly yelled, catching us all off guard as he got excited, running to me.

"Do you think I could-" he stopped himself, looking to Aubrey, who smiled.

"Ask, don't be shy." Aubrey smiled to him, making him nod slowly.

"Do you think I could call you dad?" My heart melted.

"Of course you can, angel."

I had never hugged him tighter than I did in that moment.

"I think that calls for a group hug." Michael's voice spoke and suddenly, I felt everyone around us, hugging tightly.

"God, I'm going to miss this" I heard Aubrey exhale.

"It's not too late- you can come right back home with us" Calum immediately spoke, making each of us laugh.

"I'll be back to visit in three short weeks."

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