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two weeks later

I had paid the hospital bill with some saved up money we had.

I bought his antibiotics, I bought his supplement pills, and I hated it all.

The supplement pills did increase his appetite majorly

So majorly I had to eat less in order to get him full, which didn't make me happy- but I wasn't going to let him sit here hungry.

But other than that- things had gotten much better.

I had more money saved up- I had bought us both new clothes and a few things Nick wanted and I still had some money saved up for rainy days- everything was okay.

Due to Nick's nutritional issue- he has to go to the hospital once a week, just to check his blood levels along with weight and such to make sure he isn't losing weight or gaining too much- this has caused him to gain a liking for two doctors named Irwin and Hemmings.

Which I didn't mind, they were nice and they never questioned our situation.

Today was one of his check up days, and I just wasn't feeling good- I wasn't in the mood- but I knew we didn't have much of a choice.

I walked with Nick, holding his hand into my own.

We went into the hospital, signing in and waiting patiently.

Within fifteen minutes Hemmings came and got us.

I let Nick lead the way, he jumped to Hemmings, nothing but excitement radiating from him.

"Hey buddy!" Hemmings yelled out, matching his excitement and taking Nick's hand into his own, leading him down the hall.

I followed into the room seeing Irwin, who immediately smiled.

"Take a seat" he smiled to me.

"Still don't talk much?" He questioned.

"Not much" I responded quietly, smiling to him.

"Come on Nick, scale time" Hemmings spoke, making Nick move to him, stepping onto the scale.

I watched closely, seeing Hemmings' face focus to the dials.

"Still ten pounds under what I would like him to be" Hemmings spoke out, looking to Irwin.

"He's eating more?" Irwin asked me.

"He is" I confirmed quietly.

Irwin tapped his pen on his desk, looking to Nick, who walked back to us, Hemmings following silently.

"Does he stay with any other adult besides you-" "him and I are always together unless he goes to school, and I pack him snacks for school" I mumbled out.

"Is your guardian aware of what's going on?" Hemmings asked.

"Yes" I lied.

"Is your guardian not worried, because this is serious and he or she should want to be here to help us figure out what's the problem" Irwin spoke.

"He cares, he's just always working" I spoke quietly, hating the constant lies running from my mouth.

Irwin held eye contact with me for a moment.

"This isn't an abusive situation, right?" He spoke almost quietly.

"What- no, this isn't at all- he doesn't abuse Nick" I mumbled out.

"It was just a question" Irwin spoke, making me nod.

"Next week I want three to five more pounds on him and I would like your guardian to attend the check up, if I don't get at least one of those I will be alerting the police to investigate this as an abusive situation" he spoke firmly to me, instantly making my eyes water.

"Okay" I spoke firmly.

I would figure something out.

"This is a serious situation- I just want your guardian to understand that."

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