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two weeks later

I smiled as Aubrey's head hit my shoulder, telling me she had fallen asleep.

We were currently on our plane to New York, Bailey and his mom directly behind us and then our whole crew taking up the two rows directly infront.

I smiled as Luke walked up and down the isles with Nick, who was anything but tired.

"We give him melatonin on the flight back." Luke told me firmly as he passed our row yet again.

For sure.

We were soon in New York, letting Bailey and Aubrey take the lead on all of the touring we did.

We soon were walking the entire school, which was absolutely huge and exhausting.

But I could almost literally see Aubrey falling in love.

Then it came to the campus apartment tours.

"So would you two be sharing an apartment?" The tour guide asked.

"A two bedroom, yes." Aubrey spoke, making almost all of us grab our chests at the thought of them living together.

But we played it off well when she looked to us.

As long as she's happy.

And it's like the apartment tied everything together for the both of us.

"Yeah and the medical center is just a block away and that's the internship you were offered- so it would be great." The tour guide spoke happily.

Soon the day was over and we were all in one hotel room, Bailey and his mom excluded as they had went out to eat.

Aubrey was ecstatic.

She continued to return to the window, able to see time square from the view.

"This is just all- fucking insane." She laughed lightly, letting Luke pull her into a backwards hug.


And suddenly, she grew up way too fast for my liking.

I pulled her into a backwards hug, wishing I could change time, go back to when I first met her and she hated my fucking guts.

I suddenly wished I would've never proposed the idea to come visit, because it certainly did tie the deal for her.

"So, what do you guys think?" She spoke, holding my hands as I held her.

"I think it's a great school, huge campus." Ashton was first to speak, nodding with a happy smile.

"I think you'd have one of the best opportunities to get into a really good medical school when the medical schools see that you went to NYU and had all these opportunities at internships and stuff." Michael nodded in agreement.

Calum bounced his knee rapidly, looking straight at her.

"Cal?" She spoke quietly, making him exhale.

"I think you and I both know that you are head over heels in love with this school." He spoke, making her laugh lightly.

"I mean- we've known you for almost a year now and I've never seen you this excited for anything, and i mean anything." He laughed to her.

"And I think- a love that big isn't and shouldn't be stopped by anyones opinion but your own." He spoke, nodding slowly.

I felt her look to Nick

"And remember- monthly visits, we fly you to us and then we come to you."

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