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"Guardian has never showed?" Calum questioned after we told them the entire story.

"Nope- and I don't know if you noticed, but Nick was amazed by every little thing from the tv to us having hot water" I spoke, seeing their eyebrows raise.

"There's definitely something up" michael mumbled out.

Soon we were all tired, and I ended up carrying Nick to bed, laying him with me, putting a few pillows on the opposite side of him so he didn't roll off the bed.


I woke up so low on energy.

I drug myself up, grabbing granola from the kitchen- hoping that gave me some sort of strength.

Dismissing the thought of not feeling well- I quickly changed into leggings and a big sweatshirt, throwing my hair into a loose pony tail.

I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant and perfume before leaving, just happy to go get my little brother back.

I walked into the hospital, going to the familiar office where four guys sat, watching my hyper brother jump around the office.

"Morning Aubrey!" Luke smiled as he saw me.

"Good morning" I responded with a smile- seeing Nick notice me, but he didn't come to me, he immediately went back to Luke.

"Nick" I spoke out, laughing lightly, praying it was a joke.

"Go see sissy" Luke encouraged him, pushing him lightly.

"No- I want to stay with you" Nick almost demanded.

I felt my heart breaking.

No one in the room knew what to do- including myself.

"Nick, come give me a hug" I spoke slowly, trying not to sound mad or hurt- no one needed to know that this affected me.

"Only if I can stay with them" he spoke into Luke's leg.

I should've never let him go.

"Nick, that's your sister- you have to be nice to her" Ashton spoke sternly.

I saw him sit up; exchanging a glance between himself and me.

"I don't want to go home." He spoke, his voice cracking lightly.

I felt my eyes watering.

No, we didn't have a lot at all

But what we did have- I had worked my ass off to get, and it was killing me that he was dropping it all for these guys that he barely knew.

"Nick, come on- we're gonna go home and we'll go visit the guys one day this week" I spoke- seeing him look to Luke.

Like immediately nodded, making him slowly walk to me, hugging me gently.

"Thank you guys for taking him- sorry for the little melt down" I spoke slowly as I stood, watching him grab his bag.

"We loved him- we'd take him forever if we could" Ashton smiled.

"Ill text you- maybe we can all get together for dinner or something" Luke spoke as I took Nick's hand, leading him to the door.

"Yeah, that sounds great"


Once they both left, we all exchanged glances

"There's definitely something going on here"

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