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We got smoothies before then going straight to their house.

I followed the guys inside, seeing Michael and Luke playing Jenga with Nick.

I smiled lightly as I heard him laugh as he knocked it over.

"Just the people I wanted to talk to" Luke smiled widely as we walked inside.

"stay with him?" Luke asked Michael, who gave a firm nod before leaving Nick and Michael, the rest of us following Luke into the kitchen.

"Let's sit and talk about our plans" luke exhaled, smiling as he sat.

I nodded lightly, taking a seat between Calum and Ashton.

"So Nick is currently enrolled in a public school, we personally want him in a private school, but we of course want you to have a say in everything, so we've selected some top schools that would accept him and we want to choose together-" "what's wrong with the school he's at now?" I asked slowly.

"There's very minimal security, it's in a bad neighborhood, the graduation rate is low, and there's even asbestos" Luke spoke off of the top of his head.

He looked into this.

"What about his friends?" I asked quietly.

"Not to be harsh, but he's five, he won't remember them once he makes new friends" Ashton spoke calmly.

They weren't being harsh, but they also weren't thinking from my mindset.

I felt my knee bouncing lightly as I let thoughts run through my head.

"Let's look" Luke spoke.

He opened a few fliers in front of me, discussing the schools, telling me which one he liked the most.

I continued to let my knee bounce as he talked to me.

"How much is all of this?" I asked quietly.

"Don't worry about that, just pick your favorite-" "Luke" I cut him off, sending him a look.

"Look, this is something I want, therefore I'm paying." He spoke sternly, making me rub my face quickly.

"It's your pick" I shrugged to him.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I exhaled, seeing him slowly nod.

"Now we need to talk about you"

I internally groaned.

"So you're currently online school, we'd personally like you to also attend a private school, what's your thoughts on that?"

I literally wanted to cry, I felt like I had to lie and say I wanted to do whatever they wanted me to do.

"I mean, I graduate in like six months-" "yes, and we can get you into a school so that you can actually walk across a stage and get your diploma" Luke spoke.

"I don't know that I want-" "Aubrey, you're a smart kid, extremely smart, I mean you have a 4.0 GPA and you were literally teaching yourself" he spoke.

"I think you'll do nothing but benefit from attending an actual school" Ashton chimed in.

How the fuck was I supposed to say no?

Did I want to go to actual school?

Hell no.

Tons of people I don't know.
It's a damn private school, so I'll be surrounded by rich snots.
I'm coming in six months before graduation, so if I make any friends- it won't last long.

It was honestly dumb to me, but I couldn't tell them that.

"Sure" I exhaled back, making Luke and Ashton smile, Calum looking to me bluntly.

"Now let's talk about your health" he spoke.

I refrained from actually groaned, giving the smallest nod.

"You need to gain weight" he spoke simply, making me nod.

"But we have to monitor that weight and also make sure you're getting nutrition and protein" he spoke quickly.

"Okay" I spoke slowly, seeing him smile lightly

"Which means you are going to absolutely hate us"

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