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I woke up cold and feeling like shit.

I immediately tugged the blankets that were on me, feeling that they didn't move.

I instantly looked, seeing Calum laying on top of them.

I grabbed a hoodie that was laying over the headboard, immediately covering my arms with it, trying to go back to sleep until I heard Calum.

"Holy shit, you look like a lobster."

I instantly looked to him, confused as to who he was talking about until I saw him, where I immediately laughed towards him.

His skin was almost blood red, a few blisters making their way onto his perfectly clear skin.

"I look like a lobster?" I laughed to him, making him open his camera app on his phone, instantly looking shocked.

"I bet we got sun poisoning." He spoke from the top of his head, making me finally look to myself in my phone, seeing that I almost looked worse than Calum.

But thankfully, we were able to laugh at it.

The guys had left us a note saying they went back to the parks and told us to text them once we were up, which Calum did immediately.

"Do you remember even making it back to the hotel?" Calum laughed

That made me think back

Last thing I remembered was finding a bench and feeling too relieved to sit on it.

"Oh yeah-" Calum laughed lightly

"We definitely have sun poisoning."

One day later.

I wiped Aubrey's tears as she sat on the bathroom, telling them fall infront of me, sitting on the bathroom counter in a sports bar, not letting the straps touch her shoulder and holding a shirt.

"It hurts so bad to even move my arms." And cried out.

Her entire upper body was burned to hell and back, her skin was tight and blistering, we all wanted to call off the park and just stay in the hotel or do something that wouldn't require as much physical movement, but Nick was pitching a fit over not meeting Stitch and that immediately made her start getting ready.

Disney had a dress code, so we couldn't let her go with just the sport bra on and the shirt even touching her skin brought her to tears.

Calum thankfully wasn't in as bad of shape as her, considering he had a full t shirt on, but his face, lower arms and things compensated.

"Bro I'm still lethargic, there's no way- even if she gets that shirt on- she doesn't need to go back into the sun." Calum spoke from the doorway.

"Calum" Aubrey whined out, giving him a death look.

"I'm just being honest baby, we don't need to have to take you to the hospital." He exhaled slowly.

I slowly started putting aloe vera on her, seeing her eyes immediately shut tightly, her hands squeezing into balls.

"How about Mikey and Ash just take him to meet stitch and finish up at the parks?" I spoke slowly, hearing her exhale.

But yet, she gave in.

"If they want to- they can."

I proposed the idea to the guys, who didn't mind at all, almost immediately packing this stuff, making sure Aubrey was okay before leaving with Nick.

I finished putting aloe on her, kissing her forehead gently as I did.

We all went and sat outside, Calum laying cooling rags on Aubrey's shoulders as he sat beside her.

"I wonder if my mom is proud of me" Aubrey suddenly spoke, making us all look to her

"Of course she is." Calum spoke firmly.

"What makes you say that?" She asked him quickly.

"Because- you've done a lot for your family-" "but do you think she was happy with my decision to keep my little brother in the conditions I kept him in?" She asked slowly.

I knew she struggled with what she did in the past, I wished I could take it all away from her.

"I think she knew that you were doing what you felt was necessary to keep you guys together, so that you could protect him." I told her, seeing her looking to me as I spoke, making her immediately nod after.

"I bet she likes you guys." She spoke after another moment of silence, the smallest smile coming onto her face as she did.

"Definitely would like Calum the most, but I bet she still likes you guys too." She finished, smiling to me, making me laugh.

"Everyone likes Calum the most." I laughed out, shaking my head towards her, which made her smile.

"I don't pick favorites." She spoke, shrugging making Calum immediately laugh out loud, myself rolling my eyes at her words.

"But if I did- it would probably be Calum."

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