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I turned to Nick just after Aubrey left- seeing emotions fly through his face for a split second.

"You okay buddy?" I asked, seeing him look to me, immediately shaking it off with a smile.

We soon met up with Michael and Calum, who met Nick before we all went to Michael's car together.

I saw Nick hesitate as everyone started opening doors, getting in easily.

"You okay?" I asked him, bending to her to his height.

He gave a silent nod- reminding me so much of his sister.

Ashton helped him in and get buckled, sitting between him and Calum as we rode.
He held Ashton's arm out of nerves the whole ride, and I soon realized- this was his first time in a car.

Weird, but understandable, because everything was pretty close in this area- walking distance.

We got home, immediately walking inside, flipping lights on and turning on tv's.

I saw Nick immediately become fascinated with the tv, watching the screen change.

I looked to Calum, who was watching him with a small smile.

"Want to watch a movie?" Calum asked, making him jump lightly, looking to him.

"I dunno" nick responded quietly.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Calum asked, opening the cabinet that contained all of our movies.

"Just pick your favorite, no need to be shy" he spoke.

He stood- almost in awe for a few minutes before hesitantly grabbing one- pulling out Moana, where he studied it before handing it to Calum.

"We will watch it as soon as we all eat and shower" Calum winked to him.

To say the least, Nick acted very strange the entire evening

He wasn't as excited as normal- he was shocked by little things, he was clearly confused at some things, but never asked questions. It was the weirdest situation.

After dinner I walked him to my shower, where I started it for him, making sure it wasn't too hot before showing him everything, making sure he didn't have questions.

"I'll be right outside if you need anything" I spoke, seeing him nod as I went into my room, waiting on my bed.

Ashton came and joined me- the two of us discussing his weird behavior.

"It's like it's a whole new world for him, I wonder if they just don't have much" Ashton mumbled out.

"I have honesty no idea" I mumbled quietly, seeing him soon come out dressed and smiling.

"It was hot" he spoke.

"It was too hot?" I questioned.

"No, but it was hot" he spoke again.

Ashton and I exchanged a glance.

"It felt good?" Ashton asked him.

He nodded firmly
"It's not like that at home" he spoke, his smile never dropping.

"What's it like at home?" I asked.

"Cold- It never gets hot"

"No hot water?" Ashton questioned, looking to me, but I shot him a glance.

"How about we go watch your movie?" I spoke, seeing him immediately nod.

"We will discuss it later" I mumbled to Ashton as I stood, walking with Nick downstairs.

The five of us started the movie, and before it was even over, Nick was laying on my chest, fully asleep into me.

"He had a long day, didn't he?" Calum laughed out as I sent a picture to Aubrey, making sure she was still comfortable with us having him.

"I think we should all discuss how weird this situation is."

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