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We all gave her sympathetic hugs before we left with Calum, lightly kissing Nick's head.

I looked to Ashton as the door shut.

"Nick, why are you being mean to your sister?" Michael asked.

He looked to the three of us

"She's not my boss"

"That's not true" I spoke quickly.

"You guys fuss at her- she's not the boss anymore" he spoke.

"No Nick, just because we fussed at your sister doesn't mean she isn't the boss, she still cares about you and she's still your big sister, you have to listen to her and you have to act like you love her." I spoke quickly.


"He's such a fucking dick lately" she spoke as I drove her to the school, her knee bouncing nonstop.

"It's like I'm not even fucking here, he doesn't listen to me, he doesn't act like he loves me- it's so fucking frustrating." She spoke.

"He's going through a lot of change right now, Aubrey, I think he's just a little confused, Luke is going to talk to him."  I assured her quietly.

We got to the school and I went in with her, knowing I had to do some paperwork.

She walked beside me silently, twirling the rings on her fingers silently.

"Nervous?" I asked as we both sat outside of the main office.

"I hate school" she mumbled lightly.

"It'll be fine, and if you hate it too much, we will take you out of it."

We spoke to her principal, I didn't the paperwork with her help on the stuff I didn't know.

"And that is all, I will walk you to class, Doctor Hood, if you have any questions, give me a call" she spoke with a smile.

"Okay" I nodded, pulling Aubrey into a tight hug, feeling her hold me back tighter than she ever has.

She didn't want to do this, and I could tell.

"Have a good day, text me if you need anything."


I walked silently beside the principal, who explained where everything was and such.

"And this is your class" she spoke, opening the door to a class full of people.

"Sorry to interrupt, this is our new student Aubrey Hemmings" she spoke to the class, making me almost cringe.

That was my first time being introduced as Aubrey Hemmings and not Aubrey Johnson- it sounded weird.

"Everyone please treat her with respect and welcome her to our school" she spoke with a smile.

I got a few smiles back before the teacher pointed to an open desk, which I quickly moved to.

The class went by fairly slow.
No one spoke to me- which I didn't mind.

As the bell rang, I stood, throwing the few papers the teacher gave us into my bag.

As I stood, someone ran into me, making my phone fly out of my hand, hitting the ground

"Oh my god- I'm so sorry" the guys voice spoke as he beat me to bend down, picking it up.

"It's fine" I spoke quietly, letting out a relieved breath as I saw that it wasn't cracked.

"No, I should've been paying attention" he spoke quietly.

"It's really fine" I smiled, taking my phone from him.

"I'm Dawson" he spoke, extending his hand to me.

"Aubrey" I smiled.

"What class do you have next?" He asked.

"Physics" I spoke slowly, seeing his smile increase


To my luck, Dawson and I had the same exact schedule.

We both only had four classes due to us doubling up classes, and we both took advanced classes.

But he wasn't horrible to be around.

"How about we go get lunch together, I could take you home after?" He smiled.

I laughed lightly
"I'd have to ask my-" I stopped speaking

My adoptive dad?
My brother?
My friend?
My doctor?
My doctors friends?

The fuck do I call them?

"Your dad?" He asked.

"Uh- yeah" I laughed it off lightly,

"Tell him that I'm a very trustworthy person" he smiled.

"A very trustworthy person that I met today"

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