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"No ma'am, you aren't leaving until you eat breakfast!" Luke's voice yelled as Calum and I ran for the door, both of us running late, but no one seeming to care but us.

"Oh my-" "I'll be satisfied with a granola to go, but eat a big lunch and do not let me find out that you didn't eat this" Luke spoke sternly, handing me the granola, which I smiled to.

"Thank you" I exhaled, feeling him hug me- placing a kiss on my forehead, which instantly made me freeze.

The last person to kiss my forehead was my dad.

I quickly shook it off, smiling to him and leaving with Calum, letting it captivate my thoughts as soon as I was away from Luke.

"So we meet your boyfriend tonight, right?" Calum asked, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Not my boyfriend, but you will meet my friend that is a male, yes." I spoke quickly, seeing him smile.

"Does he give you butterflies?" Calum asked, doing a little dance in his seat, making me laugh lightly.

"We are not talking about this" I laughed lightly, hearing him laugh with me.

"How's the knees?" He asked, glancing to my bandaids that Michael put on for me at six o'clock this morning as I sat on his bathroom counter- half asleep.

"They're fine" I dismissed, shrugging lightly.

"Are you okay from that whole experience?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I exhaled

"It just really scared me and then you guys reacted in the exact opposite way that I did- so I was a little confused I guess, I don't know" I mumbled.

"How did you react?" He asked me.

I let the memory play through my mind.

"I just yelled at him- it scared the fuck out of me and it made me mad that he didn't listen- I just yelled until Michael told me to stop" I spoke quietly.

"I think that's most peoples instinct when they're scared- to yell" he spoke slowly.

"But working in the medical field teaches you so much- we knew from the second Nick actually thought about what he had done, he knew he was wrong, and that's a traumatizing lesson, it's one he'll remember forever" Calum spoke quietly.

"And everyone reacts differently to everything, we're just more sympathetic people- we don't like seeing people cry, so he came in crying and we just instantly wanted to make it stop" he explained slowly.

"But you never know- if I would've been Michael- I probably would've been yelling at both you and Nick" He spoke as we pulled into the school.

"But- don't keep that on your mind, go have a good day" he smiled.

"Thank you Cal, you too" I smiled.

I got out, walking into the school and to my locker, where I instantly put up an extra book, seeing someone come up beside me, leaning on the lockers.

I looked, seeing Dawson.

"You didn't text me back last night" he grinned.

"I'm sorry- very long night" I exhaled.

"What happened?" He asked, concern feeling his face.

"My brother almost got hit by a car" I spoke bluntly, seeing his eyes widen.

"He was running from me and Michael and he ran into the road- I had to jerk him out of the rode and yeah- just a long night." I summarized for him.

"I'm so sorry- is everyone okay?" He asked

"Yeah, yeah- just a few cuts and scraps" I mumbled, flashing my elbow bandage to him.

The day went by fast, and I soon found myself at Taco Bell with him, discussing him meeting the guys.

"So will your dad hate me?" He asked.

I need to tell him.

I need to tell him.

"No, he'll be a little stern on you, but it's only because I'm his 'little girl'" I explained slowly.

Why couldn't I just tell him that my parents were dead?

"I'm excited" he smiled, grabbing my hand slowly, intertwining our fingers across the table

I got a text just as I went to agree with him

I looked- seeing that it was Calum

so you hold hands with all of your 'male friends'?

I instantly began looking around, I let go of Dawson's hand, making confusion spread across his face.

"What's wrong?" Dawson asked as I suddenly saw both Calum and Ashton walking towards us.

"You're about to meet Calum and Ashton-" "your dads friends?" He panicked.

"Yes, just- act cool" I shot out just as they walked up to the table.

"Hey" I smiled lightly.

"Hey" Calum mocked my tone, the two of them staring to me and me only.

"Guys, this is Dawson, Dawson this is Ashton and Calum" I introduced slowly, making the three of them exchange hand shakes.

"Mind if we join you guys?" Ashton asked deviously, making me instantly narrow my eyes to them.

"Don't you guys have to bring Luke and Michael their lunch-" "they can wait five minutes." Calum waved his hand lightly, sitting beside me as Ashton pulled a chair to the table, thankfully not crowding Dawson into the booth.

"I'm so sorry" I mouthed to Dawson, seeing his smile never leave his face.

"So Dawson" Calum spoke, grabbing my drink and drinking it slowly.

I stared to him- honestly shocked.

"What are your intentions with my niece?"

"Cal" I laughed out, covering my face.

"Nothing negative" Dawson spoke slowly, glancing to me before back to Calum.

Calum nodded slowly.

"No sex?" He questioned, making me immediately kick him under the table

"No sir" Dawson kept an honest face

"Nudes?" Ashton shot out.

"No sir" Dawson repeated.

"Drugs or alcohol?" Calum questioned.

"I've never drank or smoke" he spoke.

Calum nodded, seeming impressed.

"It's been five minutes- I'm sure Michael and Luke are starving- the food is going to get cold" I quickly spoke, seeing the boys smile to me.

"You're right" Ashton sighed, moving to his feet.

"You'll drop her off at the hospital?" Calum asked him.

"Yes sir" Dawson spoke slowly.

Calum nodded, firmly kissing my side of my head- sending me into that same state of shock as he walked away.

Dawson pulled me out of it by grabbing my hand again

"I love your family so far"

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