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we were considered homeless.

we didn't have anything in our names

we didn't have designer clothes

we didn't always have the hottest food

but we had was we needed, we never starved, we always were warm.

We were always together

And that's all that mattered

Me and my four year old baby brother, Nick have been alone and homeless since almost two years ago

I just turned seventeen, I was working my ass off, hiding the fact that our only guardian left us to fend for ourselves.

The electricity was cut off, but we made our old house work.

with the money I made from my two jobs, we washed our clothes at a laundry mat, we walked everywhere, we bought ourselves food, we had a wireless heater and AC unit, it may be small, but it worked.

We made it work.

Nick didn't understand

He never met our mom or dad, but he had met our Uncle who was our trusted guardian; turns out he shouldn't have been trusted.

But I would make it work

Hiding the fact that we were alone for another year or so until I can get an apartment was worth it.

Because if we told, orphanages would come get us- and we would be taken away

No one was taking my baby brother away.

It would all be worth it in the end

In a few years, Nick and I will have an actual home with lighting, actual heat and cooling, hot water, a stove.

We would have the things that people take advantage of daily.

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