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The next day we all took off and let Aubrey and Nick skip school, knowing we had a lot to talk to Aubrey about and she didn't need to go to school after yesterday, anyway.

We entertained Nick all morning, playing outside with him and such.

We were in the middle of hide and seek, Calum being "it" when I saw Aubrey sitting on our patio, watching us silently, phone in hand.

I immediately stopped the game, going and joining her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as soon as I sat beside her.

"Better" she nodded, exhaling as she did.

"Well- I think we all want to sit down and have a family discussion-" "I think we need to." she agreed without even hearing the rest of what I said.

Good, at least it wouldn't stress her out if she wanted to do it as well.

After we watched a few more rounds of hide and seek, we went inside, putting Nick in front of a movie and all of us sitting at the table.

"I just think we need to work more together when it comes to discipline and I do admit that I was wrong yesterday for not taking a minute to listen to you about the phone situation, because most of that could've likely been avoided." Ashton started the conversation strong and we all nodded.

"I don't want to talk about Nick." Aubrey suddenly spoke, seeming to shock everyone.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked slowly, watching her make eye contact with Calum, who just gave her an assuring nod.

"Do you guys want me here, or not?" She spoke, making everyone go silent, because we didn't even understand the question.

"Of course we want you here, what do you mean-" "I'm not referring to you, Calum." She spoke calmly.

"Since the day you adopted Nick and I there has been a lot of favoritism, a lot of anger towards me that I don't feel is deserved, and the only person that's even tried to legitimately bond with me is Calum, yes we all have good moments where we hug and laugh and shit- but it's not the same as what you all have with Nick. So what I'm asking is, do you guys want me? Because I'm at the point to where I can leave, I'd rather be alone than in a home where I'm unwanted." She spoke with an expression I've never seen from her before.

"Aubrey, you've got this all wrong, baby-" she cut ashton off.

"I don't think I do, though" I saw her eyes watering

"Nick could murder someone and it would be fine- you guys would find a way to fix it. But I made a mistake when I was trying to do what I felt was the right thing, and you guys have- particularly Luke and Ash have yet to forgive me- and if you guys see no future where you have forgiven me, I don't need to stay here." She spoke firmly.

"You are forgiven, you've been forgiven." I was the first to speak.

"And I am terribly sorry that we made you feel this way. We never did anything with intentions of hurting you and if I could go back in time and change all of this- I would." I told her firmly.

"I agree with Luke, and I am sorry as well. I think a lot of times- you just seem so distant and independent-" "she only acts distant and independent around you guys." Calum spoke, not looking to any of us.

"Around me, she is the kid that she deserves to be. She likes hugs and cuddles, long talks, help with homework- just because she's a strong kid doesn't mean she isn't or doesn't want to be a kid." Calum finished.

We were all at a loss for words.

"I say- that we start over." I cleared my throat as I spoke, catching her attention.

"Everything from the past- is put in the past. From this point on, you vocalize to us if you feel we are treating you any different from Nick and we will fix it, because you don't deserve that." I finished.

"I agree." Michael nodded firmly, making her nod as well.

"Okay." She exhaled.

From that point on we discussed how we would discipline Nick together- making sure to discuss when he was punished from something and why.

We started trying to plan some sort of vacation for us to all go on- the ideas where everywhere so that wasn't going too well.

"Aubrey, where is one place you've always wanted to go?" Ashton asked, all attention floating to her.

"Nicks always wanted to go to Disney" she spoke simply, making me laugh lightly.

"Okay, but where is someplace you have always wanted to go?" I asked her again, hearing her exhale.

"I've never even thought about it, honestly."

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