Chapter 1

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A boy was running without looking back. It was all darkness, yes it was an empty road with no one there just a boy running and some people were following him including his brother was also included. He was just running like a maniac person when his courage betrayed him and he fell on the road. His forehead started bleeding. He didn't care but turned back to see the scariest thing.  His brother followed him with some more people with weird faces. His brother said, "What you thought you would escape soo easily...? Huh?" 

Boy (shouted)= But I didn't do anything.

Boy 2= oh really? you haven't done anything? You are a murderer, you killed your sister-in-law...A fucking murderer...

A boy of age 23 woke up with a jerk panting heavily, his breath wasn't normal. His forehead was covered with sweat. He realized it was a nightmare. He wiped the sweat from his forehead as tears formed in his eyes. He somehow calmed himself down as he know no one is there for him. He can't become weak at this time. He drank a glass of water and glanced at the time it was 6 morning.

Boy's Pov (Point Of View)

I woke up again with that nightmare. What a life I have! I have a brother who doesn't believe me and calls me a murderer of my own bhabhi. Being our own business I left everything coming here to the USA to find a job away from them. Wow..! What a life Siddharth wow..!

Again a hectic day, I need to find a job otherwise the landlords of this house will throw me out of here. I just came here 3 days ago through my friend's reference and life is already tough here. I don't know what will happen next. ugh, What should I do..?

I don't see any light of hope in front of me. What if I back off.. but I don't have way also, not forward nor backward.

Pov ends.

He held his head in his hands not processing a single thing. 

After some time of thinking, he finally woke up, dressed, and left for the interview without breakfast because he didn't any money with him. All the savings went into the expenses of traveling and now he was only left with 100 dollars.

He reached the office where he had his interview today.

On other hand.

A girl was descending the stairs to reach the table where her family was waiting for her on breakfast. She smiled looking at them waiting for her.

Girl= Good morning dad, mom

Mom= Good morning Avneet beta. Come sit.

Avu took a seat beside her brother. They started having breakfast.

Avu's dad= So, how is my business going on my princess..?

Avu= all good, and yeah today I also have to take some tasks to look at.

Mom= Excuse me, no business talks on this table. How many times do I have to tell you both?

Avu (pout)= Yes mama bear, sorry

All laughed. After some time again Avu's dad spoke.

Avu's dad= Are there any important interviews today Avu..?

Avu= Yeah dad, We really need one loyal, hardworking employee for finance management and I also want a personal P.A for myself. I can't handle all this alone. I don't want to lose myself in all this. I also have a right to myself after all.

She said raising her eyebrows and showing herself tired. Jai, his brother rolled his eyes over her acting. 

Mom (angry)= Again you guys are talking about business. Not everything is money. Money only gives pleasure, here it comes and there it goes. All left is relationships only. But your daughter and father would never understand this.

Before Avu could say anything she left. She looked at her dad.

Avu's dad = What? I was just asking her. Now if I won't do to the office at least I will ask about my office.

Avu's mom was looking at him with an angry expression. 

Avu= You really made her angry today. You very well know how much she hates business and all.

Avu's dad= ok fine sorry it was my fault. I'm sorry.

He said holding his ears in a jolly mood. Avu's mom smiled blinking her eyes. Avu chuckled.

Avu= well, now I am getting late. I have to leave and yes I want you all happy when I come. Understood?

Avu's dad= ok princess as you wish.

Avu=Good daddy. See ya.

With this, she left. Avi's dad mumbled 'Good daddy...Wow..' Avu's mom laughed and joined Jai. 

Back to Sidd,

He was walking when his stomach groaned as he was hungry. He just ignored it and reached the office for his job by walking. But he was also not sure if he would get this job or not. He was so hopeless that no one could imagine.

To Be Continued. That's it for today.

Words= 786

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