Chapter 32

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That's when. Avneet's phone rang. She frowned and dragged her phone out of her pocket. Her expression looked astonished as she saw the name of the person calling. Well, she didn't expect this number to call her. She frowned in confusion. 

Avu (in confusion): Why is she calling me?

In confusion, she picked up the call to hear the panicked voice of Vaishu.

Vaishu (in a panic): Hello? Hello? Is it Avneet there?

Avu (frowned): Yeah, If I am not wrong you are Sidd's sister-in-law Vaishnavi right? 

Vaishu signed in relief, taking a deep breath. 

Vaishu (calming herself): Yeah! 

Avu (stern voice): Why have you called me? 

Vaishu (hesitated): I, actually wanted to ask you something. 

Avu: Go ahead! 

Vaishu: Is Siddharth with you? 

Avu exhaled sharply before answering her. 

Avu: Yes! 

Vaishu (weak voice): How is he? 

Avu (chuckled humourlessly): On the one hand, you destroy him and on another hand, you want to know if he is fine or not. Are you bipolar or something? 

Vaishu (chuckled): I might be and I am made by Abhishek only. 

Avu dragged a chair and sat on it, curious to know something. 

Avu (humble): If I ask you something, would you tell me? 

Vaishu looked behind to see Sam playing in the lounge and a smile appeared on her face. 

Vaishu: I will surely.

Avu (eagerly): I have been knowing Siddharth's side story but I found it incomplete. If I ask you to complete it, will you? 

Vaishu (chuckling humourlessly): If that clears my image in front of you then why not? 

Avu: It might help. 

Vaishu paced near the window and told her everything in one breath as she also wanted someone to listen to her. Sometimes, one feels so lonely that they want someone to listen to them only, and Vaishu, being alone and fighting was also going through the same situation. Avu's eyes went wide in shock as Vaishu was telling her everything from the start. In between, she watched Sidd's points too which made a clear image in her eyes. She closed her eyes in anger as Vaishu sniffed, finishing her story. 

Avu (exhaling sharply): Why don't you tell him that you are alive? 

Vaishu (weak voice): So, that he can again come behind me and do everything again. You know I came to my parents' house 2 times whenever he did it with me. He came to me, apologized and he used to take me back but then it all started again. I was tired of it all. I wanted to live my life. I didn't have any other choice. 

Avu (politely): I understand, please don't cry. I didn't know all this. It's something I didn't expect. I am so sorry for considering you wrong. 

Vaishu (wiping her tears): No, it's fine! I know it was awkward. 

Avu: Well, I didn't find anything awkward in it. It happens in friends. Are we? 

Vaishu (smiled): Sure but when did we become friends? 

Avu: Now only.  

Vaishu (chuckling): Sure. I got to go. 

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