Chapter 45

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She thought it was an ordinary customer. She walked towards the entrance to find Aarush standing there with her hands on his pocket and smirking on his face. Her hands turned into a fist as she saw him smirking.

Vaishu (in dangerous, low voice): What are you doing here?

Aarush (pacing near her, smirking): I just came to have a look at you. By the way, how are you?

Vaishu (in anger): Get out of here before I lose my temper.

Aarush (raising his hand to touch her hair): Oh my sweetheart! I really want you to lose your temper but not here, on bed. You know what I really want to share a bed with you. Get divorce from Abhishek so that I can make you mine.

Vaishu was looking at him in shock when suddenly he earned a tight slap from her, making him jolt. He looked down, controlling his anger while keeping his hand on his cheek. Vaishu pointed her index finger warning him while her face was already red due to anger. 

Vaishu (yelling in anger): Never ever try to touch me. You have only seen my sweet side that doesn't make me weak. Look at your words before speaking or else you will see the worst of me the next time.

Aarush closed his eyes in anger and looked up at Vaishu to meet her red anger eyes. He stepped forward and raised his hand on Vaishu while she yelled, but she didn't feel his hand. Aarush at his left side with anger in his eyes to find Abhi standing there, holding his hand, which he was about to raise on her. Aarush was left astonished while Abhi glanced at Vaishu before roaring.

Abhi (dangeous whisper): Don't ever dare to touch my wife.

Vaishu, who looked at him, was also surprised to see him there. Today, her past and her present were in front of each other and that's what always feared her. Abhi again glanced at Vaishu, who was already looking at him. His eyes softened, which were noticed by Aarush. He made a punch of his other hand, and he flew his hand in air to punch Abhi, but Abhi already sensed it and twisted his wrist, grinding his teeth while Aarush whined in pain. Abhi's eyes held anger towards Aarush for whatever he did and whatever he wanted to do, but more than that, whatever he said to his wife just a minute ago. Abhi punched his stomach while he groaned. He held Aarush's hair in his tight grip, making him look at him.

Abhi (whispered in anger): I made a mistake in the past, but that doesn't mean I will let it be repeated, nor by me , nor by anyone else.

He again punched Aarush while Vaishu had shocked expressions with tears not leaving her eyes. Three girls in the boutique were also there watching the whole scene.

Abhi (yelling in anger, making Aarush look at him by gripping his jaw): What you thought, huh? You will snatch everything from me, and I won't get to know it? Huh? You thought you snatched everything from me, made me alone, and after when I won't be of any use for you, you will get Vaishu by manipulating me? Huh?

Aarush (groaning in pain): Abhi, you are taking me wrong. It's nothing as you are thinking. In fact, I was about to tell you that Vaishu is alive. Trust me.

Abhi again punched him hard that his lips started bleeding.

Abhi (gripping his collar, yelling): You don't have any right to call her Vaishu. She is nothing to you and remember one thing, if I see you one more time near her, I will not leave you alive. I shouldn't have ever trusted on you but I know how to mend my mistake.

He pushed Aarush hard, but he balanced himself and laughed hard.

Aarush (laughing): What do you think, you can save Vaishu from me?

Abhi (smirking, chuckling): Well, I will and you will see it soon.

That's when there was a rush of people outside. Aarush, who got confused, looked back to see the media and police outside the boutique. The media was trying to enter the boutique while police were not allowing them. Aarush glanced at Abhi, who smirked at him.

Abhi: You remember, you bought a S.H.O. and asked him to give me false news that my brother killed my wife. Unfortunately, today, he got caught. Congratulations.

Aarush was left amazed. His mind went blank. He again glanced at Abhi to find his narrowed eyes, staring him only.

Abhi (aloud): Inspector, he is a corrupted businessman who buys police for his use and harasses girls. Arrest him.

Police Inspector, along with 2 to 3 police men, came forward while Aarush started protesting as they held his arm.

Aarush (freeing his arms, protesting): I haven't done anything. He has been misunderstood. He is lying. I can't do anything like that.

Police (handcuffing him): Ya ya, you haven't done anything. Every criminal says that, but he has done many things. Take him.

Aarush was backing off, protesting while police were dragging him with them. This was all recorded in the camera. The S.H.O shook hand with Abhi.

S.H.O: We already had a doubt about that police officer, but we didn't have any proof against him.

Abhi: I can understand. He has transferred 1 lack of rupees in that officer's account. He has high sources.

Police (smirking ironically): Don't worry about that. Indian police very well know how to deal with such people.

Abhi smiled at him while they again shook hands with each other. Vaishu, who was behind Abhi, was still in shock. Her mind was just at the moment when Aarush raised his hand to slap her. She was imagining what would have happened if Abhi hadn't come at the right moment.

Police (putting his cap on his head): I should leave now.

Abhi (saluting him): Thank you so much for your help.

The S.H.O saluted him back and left the place. One of the boutique girl came near Vaishu and placed her hand on her shoulder which bought her out of her thoughts. Vaishu looked at her suddenly.

Girl: Are you okay, Ma'am?

Vaishu took a minute and nodded her head. She looked at Abhi, who turned to her. His eyes soften as soon as he saw tears in her eyes. He wished to kill Aarush for her tears but he also knew that somewhere he was also reason for her tears. They had intense eyecontact but soon he looked down when Vaishu suddenly stepped forward and hugged him tightly. Her arms around his waist while head on his chest. Her action was unexpected by Abhi. Her hug bought tears in his eyes. His breath hitched. He also wanted to hug her just like she did, so tight that no one could dare of breaking it. Vaishu was sobbing badly while Abhi's eyes also leaked tears. His arms unconsciously wrapped around her protectively. He hid her in his warm hold, protecting her from this fake world and it's fake people. He always wanted to keep her like this but situations change, circumstances changed. They were hugging each other, crying in each other's embrace, not worrying about anything neither the world, nor their surroundings. It was alas, a peaceful moment for them.



To be continued.

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