Chapter 15

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Avneet dragged Siddharth along with her and made him sit on the sofa, while sitting on the sofa infront of her. Siddharth was nervous, nervous as hell while Avneet was only looking at her lovingly.

Sidd (stuttering): W-What did you want t-to talk a-about?

Avu exhaled sharply before speaking.

Avu: I wanted to apologize for that day. I know clients were mine and I shouldn't have let anything like that happen but I didn't know he would go to such an extent that he would raise his hand on you.

Sidd sniffed, blinking his eyes several times before looking at her and forcing a smile.

Sidd (smiling forcefully): it's fine. Now I am used to it. 

Avu looked at him with pitiful eyes, she know he wasn't saying this from the heart.  That's when a waiter came there who was sent by Alan. The waiter smiled at Avu which she returned.

Waiter (smiles): Ma'am what will you like to eat or drink?

Avu spoke before glancing at Sidd who was looking down.

Avu: Yeah, two cups of hot coffee.

Sidd (to the waiter): Ummm, not for me!

Avu (raising her eyebrow): I haven't asked you if you will drink or not.

Sidd became silent as he was afraid, afraid that he might burst everything getting emotional from which he was controlling himself.

Avu (smiling at waitor): yeah so, how much time will it take?

Waiter: Just 5 minutes ma'am.

Avu mouthed a thank you while the waiter left from there. She looked straight at Siddharth. Sidd who looked up, found her staring at him. He passed a confuse look.

Avu: Explain!

Sidd (confusingly): What?!

Avu: being educated, why are you doing job here at this cafe?

Sidd: I am not supposed to tell everything to everyone.

Avu (raising her voice, eyebrow): Siddharth!! Don't force me to do anything worse.

Sidd flinched at her sudden loud voice but then he realized what she said. His eyes widen and he started panicking all of a sudden.

Sidd (panicked): No, no please don't do anything worse. Please, I-I have already found this job by hooks. I don't wanna lose it please.

Avu realized his panic state and held his hand which was already cold due to the cold weather.

Avu (concerned): Hey, relax! I didn't meant in that way. Relax!

She assured him, rubbing his hands. As soon as he felt her warm, he calmed a bit while Avu was amazed to see that sudden panic state of his. Siddharth wanted to share everything with someone but he didn't know whom he can trust and whom he can not. That's when Avneet spoke.

Avu (politely): You can trust me. I promise.

Sidd looked at her shocked realizing that she just read her mind.

Avu (politely): You can share with me. I promise no harm will be given to you from my side.

Avu nodded in her while Sidd looked at her blankly.

Sidd (stuttering): as I didn't had much experience and the news of Mr. Akash spreaded like a f-fire in f-forest no one w-was willing to give me j-job as he had a big empire and i-if he gets to k-know about it, it can harm their companies also. That's why, I-I have to work here. I wasn't having any experience and here is your advance which you handed me.

Sidd explained and got up. Avu stared at the direction where he went. He came after 1 minute with envelope in his hand. He sat on the sofa, handing the envelope to Avu. Avu glanced at him before opening the envelope. Wait, it was 2500 dollars. She glanced at him astonished while he was a little nervous.

Sidd: It is the advance loan which you gave me. I promised to return you. Sorry, it's just 2500 but rest I will return soon.

Avu (confused): Wait, from where did you get this much money?

Sidd (looking at her): 500 is the salary I got from your office and 2000 are the remaining from 10000 which I didn't needed. That's why, I'm returning it.

Avu was left amazed hearing him. His loyalty, his truth impressed her. If he wanted, he wouldn't even return the money but he did. Avneet chuckled at his loyalty.

Avu (smiling at his innocence): I didn't gave this money to get it back as return.

Sidd: But I was feeling myself low. That's why, it was necessary for me to return it.

Avu (placing her elbows on table and resting her head on it): From where you are?

This made Sidd a confused. He raised her eyebrow. Avneet read his expressions.

Avu (smiling widely): I mean from which planet you are?

Sidd (nervous, don't know what to answer): from your planet only.

Avu straighten herself as she saw waiter coming towards their table. The waiter served their coffee and left the place smiling.

Avu (sipping her coffee): No one is such loyal and innocent in this world as you are.

Sidd (lost): And that's what my mistake is.

Avneet's smile faded hearing this from Sidd.

Avu (confused): What?

This made Sidd come out of his thoughts.

Avu: Loyalty and innocence is not a mistake. Well, your wife will be lucky one to have a loyal person like you.

Sidd (chuckle humorously, smiling sadly yet calm): who will marry a man like me?

Avu: You aren't that bad.

Sidd (smiling, looking around): It would be a great thing if I set up myself from a broken person and return all the loans. 2 times meal and job is all what I need now.

Sidd (looking at her): I don't need anything else other than these.

He stared at her while she got lost in his eyes.

Avu (looking deep into his eyes): You won't need now but some day you will need it, love, soulmate everything.

Avu: Anyways, I wanted you to join my company once again if you don't mind.

Sidd (whispers while tears falling from his eyes): I know why you are offering me the job again. I know you are deceloping feelings for me but....... I can't afford it, I don't deserve it.

This left Avneet astonished. He just said the statement which she wasn't able to realize or you can say accept. She wasn't understanding that feeling and he just confessed it. He freaking said it so easily that she never expected from him. He was now opening to her and that's what she wanted.

Avu (politely yet serious): No one deserves sadness, suffering. I don't know about anyone else but yeah. You don't deserve it. You deserve happiness, a lot of happiness in your life.

She stood up handing over 100 dollars for the coffee.

Avu (smiling): I will be waiting for you.

Saying this she bid a bye smiling while Sidd got lost in her. Yes, he was admiring her. She walked away from the table and turned back to look at Sidd who was already looking at her. That's when, Sidd's eyes caught a bracelet which was laying on table. He picked it up and realized it was hers. His eyes moved to the direction where she was walking while glancing behind but now unfortunately, she wasn't there. His eyes again moved towards the bracelet which was swinging. He closed his eyes fisting it close to heart. All he felt was peace, which he also didn't know why.


To be continued.

Goals: Umm, 40 votes and 35 comments full of love.

Words= 1270

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