Chapter 42

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Abhi (standing up): Vaishu!

Her breath hitched as she heard his voice after ages. The voice which she loved most, the person whom this voice belongs to the most. A tear fell from her eyes as her past flashed in front of her eyes. His raised hand, his doubt on her character, on her soul. Was it all so easy to forget? Is it really very easy to forget such a tragedy?

She didn't bother to turn and look at him while Vaishu's parents left from there, giving them some time alone.

Vaishu (stern but weak voice): Why are you here now when everything is over?

Abhi looked down as tears of guilt fell from his eyes. He stepped a little forward while Vaishu didn't turn behind to look at him.

Abhi (with tears in his eyes): I know, I made a mistake. No, it's not a mistake but a sin. I was blinded by him that I didn't even believe you and doubted you.

Vaishu chuckled humorously, wiping her tears off.

Abhi (looking down): I doubted you and Ashu without even realizing that it would create a crack in our happy family.

Vaishu (turning behind, with anger in her eyes): You not only doubted my love, Mr. Abhishek Nigam, but you pointed my character. You promised to protect me from every single thing that will come our way, but see, you only failed in it.

Abhi (holding her hands, pleading): Vaishu, I promise. Just give me 1 chance. I will fix everything out. I will mend my every mistake. Please!

Vaishu jerked his eyes all of a sudden and pointed her index finger towards him.

Vaishu (dangerous, loud voice): Don't! Don't ever call me Vaishu from your mouth. You don't have any right to call me that. You have lost all of your rights. In fact, you don't have the right to stand in front of me, too. Because of you, I left my daughter, who needed me the most. Because of you, I was hiding here and there, struggling to settle my own boutique, and you, you are telling me that you will fix everything. Seriously? Do you think it is so easy to first hurt someone and then bandage them according to your will, whenever you want? Huh?

Abhi looked down, with tears dropping down.

Vaishu: It was you, who started everything, either it's blaming your brother and assuring him murderer or either harrassing me and pointing my character. Have you ever listened to us? Did you ever dare to ask what we want, what we think or not? (hitting his chest) it won't always be you to take decisions of other's lives. It won't always be you to decide what to do and what to not.

Abhi (looking at her with tears in his eyes): Vaishu!!

Vaishu (yelling, cutting him): It's Vaishnavi for you. It's Vaishnavi Rao, not Vaishu.

Abhi (gulping down, looking down): I know I believed him, considered him my friend when he turned out to be my enemy. I ruined everything, I know.

Vaishu (cutting him): You not only ruined but destroyed everything, Mr. Abhishek Nigam. I regret falling in love with you.

This pricked his heart deeply. He knew she is mad, furious and he also knew she would say many things but this, this statement pricked as a needle in his heart.

Vaishu: I regret the day I didn't told you about Aarush just to save my family but now when this family is no more. What's the use of it?

Abhi looked straight at her in confusion while she looked back at him.

Abhi (confused): What do you mean?

Vaishu (turning away from Abhi): You will get your divorce papers soon.

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