Chapter 20

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The door was unlocked by someone. Sidd walked inside his apartment and kept his keys on the table infront of his bed. He exhaled sharply laying straight on the bed. His eyes went on ceiling. He was tired already after a long day. Actually, the day wasn't long but his job was tough for which he wasn't habitual of. He was still staring the ceiling when he remembered something. He sat straight dragging his phone out of his pocket. He wondered if he should call Avneet or not. He finally dialed her number. He dragged his phone near ear while her phone was continuously ringing but she wasn't picking it up. He dropped the call, disappointed by it. He stood up, pacing till his kitchen. He was preparing coffee for himself when he heard his phone ringing. He quickly left everything and rushed to pick the phone. He got so excited seeing her caller id but then suddenly nervousness and anxiety took over him. The phone was continuously ringing. He finally picked it up.

Avu: Hello!

Sidd (confused of what to say): H-Hi! H-How are you?

Avu: I'm good and what about you?

Avu was standing in her balcony, talking to Sidd while smiling continuously. Her hairs were flying in the air highlighting her beauty.

Sidd: I-I'm also fine.

There came a pin drop silence. Avu raised her eyebrow.

Avu: Someone can so disparate to talk and now he is not talking.

Sidd started biting his nails in nervousness, not knowing what to say. Avneet wanted but then decided to play with him.

Avu: Alright! If you don't want to talk, I should drop the call.

She was about to drop the call when she heard Sidd objecting and saying her not to cut the call. She smirked as her mission passed.

Avu (sarcastic tone): Yes, now what?

Sidd (nervous): I-I wanted to give our relationship a chance.

As soon as Avneet heard this, she stood straight and froze on her spot. She was so happy from inside hearing this.

Avu (out of words, in happiness): Are you serious?

Sidd thought before speaking.

Sidd: Um, yeah yeah!

Avu (in excitement): I'm so happy. I'll visit your cafe tomorrow and let's celebrate it.

Sidd smiled hearing her excitement.

Sidd: Sure!

Avu (loudly): See ya then! Good Night!

Saying this she dropped the call. Sidd chuckled at her cute excited voice. A picture appeared at the home screen of his phone. His smile faded seeing his home screen.

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