Chapter 41

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Abhi went inside while Aarush stood up seeing him. He stepped forward and hugged Abhi.

Aarush (breaking the hug): Ah, Abhi! How are you?

Abhi (whispering): I was fine, but now I'm not.

Aarush, who didn't hear him, looked at him all confused.

Aarush: Huh?

Abhi (looking at him): Ah, nothing! Have a seat.

He sat down while Aarush was also on the couch beside him.

Abhi: So, how is Vaishu?

Aarush (looked at him suddenly, confused): Huh? Who?

Abhi: I mean Vaishu's parents.

Aarush: Yeah! Yeah! Aunty and uncle are fine. 

Abhi shook his head, glaring him.

Abhi (controlling his anger): So, what bought you here at this hour?

Aarush: Bro, you were nowhere seen since the day you returned. 

Abhi (glaring him): Ya, I was a little busy with my work, and I also have something to tell you.

Aarush (confused): What is it?

Abhi (stern voice): I met Sidd in the U.S.A.

His voice echoed all around while Aarush looked at him in shock while Abhi smirked internally.

Aarush (in shock): Wait, are you serious? He ran away to the U.S.A.

Abhi nodded with anger in his eyes.

Abhi: You know, he married a girl there. She is a businesswoman.

He paused for a second as he noticed Aarush's expressions, which clearly showed that he wasn't expecting anything like this.

Abhi: Vaishu isn't with him, and you told that they both are intetested in each other. If it is, then why did Sidd marry another woman there while he doesn't know where Vaishu is.

Aarush dragged a tissue from the table and wiped his forehead. Yes, he was sweating. He didn't know that Abhi would go to such an extent. He dragged the glass of water and gulped it in one go while Abhi smirked, seeing his condition.

Aarush (adjusting himself, looking away): Abhi, the police officer, told me the same as he told you. It might not be true what you have seen in the U.S.A. You might be mistaken. Vaishu is with him only.

Abhi (suspicious): How are you so confirm?

Aarush was feeling his glares on him, which were sharp than a knife. He suddenly stood up.

Aarush (avoiding him): I must leave now.

Abhi (standing): But where are you going? I have many more things to discuss with you.

Aarush (in mind): He did not know everything. If he finds out everything, my game will be over, and I will never see Vaishu again, and I can't let this happen. What to do?

Abhi: Ah, no worries! If you find anything about Vaishu, do inform me.

Aarush (shaking his head, smiling): Sure! Sure! Why not! See you again!

He didn't wait for Abhi to continue the conversation and left from there in a rush while Abhi smirked, standing there.

Abhi (whispering): Now, it's final that you are behind all this. Your every act yelled your sin, Aarush. Now, I won't let you win this time.

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