Chapter 4

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Meanwhile in Mumbai, India

A young man of the age of 26 with and handsome face was standing in front of the mirror shaving his beard when a girl of 5 years entered in room with a pouty face. She didn't see her father in the room but heard water splashing. So, She directly ran into the bathroom with the cutest pout and stood beside the door hugging it crossing her hands against her chest. She was looking in the mirror from behind unnoticed by her father, hearing some noises from behind the young man looked in the mirror and saw her through the mirror. She looked away with an angry pout. The young man chuckled washed his face and turned towards her pulling her cheeks.

Man (baby voice): What happened to this cutie pie..?

Girl (in her baby voice): I am not able to tie my hail papa. (I am not able to tie my hair)

She said forwarding her pony with a frowned look. Abhi chuckled pulling her cheeks again.

Abhi: come let's wash your face first doll.

Sam (baby voice): No,

Abhi (dramatically): but why..?

Sam (baby voice): You said I am big now. I will do it myself.

Abhi kisses her cheeks.

Abhi: My baby is big now..?

She nodded pouting.

Abhi: but for me, you will always be my small doll.

Sam smiled widely. Abhi picked her up in his arms making her sit on the wash basin slab and washed her face. He again picked her up and came outside making her sit on the bed with himself sitting behind her brushing her hair. Sam got busy playing with her doll when her eyes fell on the picture hung on the wall.

Sam: papa, who is she..?

She said pointing at Vibha who is Abhi's mother. Abhi looked at her pointing finger. Silence overtook him.

Abhi: She is my mom, doll (turning her towards him) as you have a mom I also have a mom. Everyone has a mom who takes care of their children more than anything.

Sam: but where is my mom papa..?

She asked in her baby voice in her innocence which froze Abhi for a second. He didn't know what to tell her because he himself isn't sure she is alive or not and if she is alive then where she is..? The silence was all his answer. A rush of memories came into his mind, their wedding, he putting sandur, back hugging her while she was standing in front of a mirror wearing saree. That's when Sam shook him. 

Sam: Papa...

Abhi: huh?

Sam: I am calling you for a long. Where were you lost?

Abhi: Nowhere. Doll, let's go for breakfast. I will make your favorite french slice.

She started jumping in excitement shouting "french slice". She was continuously shouting when Abhi kept his hands on his ear acting as if he will become deaf. 

Abhi: Oh damn girl, you will make me deaf. Oh God! stop acting like your mom.

Abhi suddenly realized what he said. Sam stopped jumping on the bed and jumped sitting close to him with folded legs and said something which left Abhi astonished.

Sam: I also want my mom balk papa (I also want my mom back papa)

Abhi was looking at her with teary eyes. He didn't know what to answer. He kissed her forehead.

Abhi: You will surely meet your mom my doll but don't I care good care of you? Do you also want to leave me?

Sam (hugging him tightly with tears in her eyes): No papa, I don't want to go anywhere. I will live with you and care take of you. 

She said in her innocence hugging him by his neck with her chubby hands. He caressed her hair wiping her own tears. 

Abhi pov

I didn't know what to say here. I hope you are alive Vaishu. I hope that bastard Siddharth has failed in his work. If you are alive then where are you..? Please come back. Come back Vaishu.

Pov ends.

Scene change

A girl was pacing here and there storming her feet in frustration searching for something when she groaned.

Girl: Ahh, where I kept it yaar..?

Suddenly a lady enters into the room and seeing the condition of the room horror stroke her. All dresses are on the bed with some being hung on the floor and some swinging with the edge of the bed. She called the girl.

Lady: Oh god, someone give her a little brain so that at least she should know how to set up her room.

Girl (annoyed): Mom, please I am getting late help me with it

Lady (helplessly): fine.

They started searching when suddenly the lady asked something which left the girl shocked.

Lady: What have you thought about your future..?



That's it for today. 

Are you all really liking the story? I need some shoutouts and comments for the next chapter, otherwise, forget it.

Words= 793

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