Chapter 12

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It was next day, Siddharth left immediately after that incident. Avneet was sitting in her office, lost connecting the puzzle but some parts of that puzzle were missing. She was rocking her chair, left to right. That's when, Faisu knocked the door.

Avu (looking at the door): come in!

Faisu came in with a letter in his hand. Avneet straighten herself opening her laptop, looking at the screen.

Avu: send Siddharth in!

Faisu looked at him confusingly.

Faisu: but ma'am he hasn't come to the office.

Avneet snapped towards him. He nodded his head. Avneet glanced at her watch.

Avu: it's already 12 of noon. Did any call came from his side?

Faisu: ma'am not any call but this letter.

Faisu said handing over the letter to Avneet. She raised her eyebrow opening the letter. As soon as she read it, anger took over him.

Avu (angry): What is it?

Faisu (low voice): ma'am resignation letter.

Avu (burst)= that I can also see but from where did you find it?

Faisu: ma'am postman came to deliver and Siddharth has resigned from this job.

Avu (tensed): but why?!

Suddenly yesterday's incident flashed in her mind. She again furned in anger. She turned to Faisu.

Avu: Faisu, I want the CCTV footage of yesterday and day before yesterday. I wanna know who exchanged the presentation files. Got it?

Faisu (nodding): yes ma'am.

Avu sat on her chair as soon as Faisu left.

Avu pov

No matter what happens, today I will unfold yesterday's mistery and soon I will unfold Siddharth's mistery too. There is something in that boy, and I have to find that out.

Pov ends

In India,

At Vaishnavi's place.

She was laying on her bed, straight staring the fan moving at the ceiling. She was lost, dull. That's when, a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

Vaishu (whisper): Sam, was it really you?

Her mind went to that time when she saw Abhi and Sam together that day in the mall.

Vaishu (another tear fell from her eye): I-I wish I could hug you that time princess. I'm sorry, Mama is sorry. Because of us you are the one suffering. I'm sorry bacha.

She whispered closing her eyes. That's when, her phone rang. She sat straight picking the phone from her side table. It was an unknown call but she decided to pick it up.

Vaishu: Hello!!

Someone: Is it Vaishnavi Rao speaking?

Vaishu: Y-Yes.

Someone: ma'am the designs which you dropped at our boutique are selected for the next collection. They have been abored by the designers. One design might cost you 3 lacks and as you have submitted 4 designs so, you will get 12 lacks in total. Are you okay with it ma'am?

Vaishu's eyes went wide open hearing him.

Vaishu (shocked): 1-12 lacks?

Someone: yes ma'am.

Vaishu: where should I come to pick money?

Someone: ma'am at Ms. Shilpa's office. She wanted to discuss many things more. You can come tomorrow.

Vaishu (crying in happiness): Sure, I'll be there.

Saying this she dropped the call. She joined her hands thanking god for the nth time.

Vaishu (happy tears): My princess, I am so desperate to meet you. Just few more months then, you will be with me. Just few more months please!

Vaishu ran out of her room yelling for her mother. Suddenly she bumped into her mother when she reached infront of the kitchen.

Mom (irritated): Vaishu beta, why are you shouting like that?

Vaishu held her mom's shoulder in happiness.

Vaishu: Mom, I got 12 lacks fof my 4 designs which I launched.

Her mother covered her mouth in shock and happiness.

Mom (astonished): really?

Vaishu nodded hugging her with tears of joy in her eyes.

Mom (crying in happiness): Congratulations my daughter, this is the fruit of your hardwork and patience. I'm so happy for you.

She said kissing Vaishu's forehead.

Vaishu (crying): Just pray for me that I get for what I am struggling.

Vaishu's mom nodded.

Mom: let me make sweet dish for you huh. You like custard a lot na. I will make custard for you.

Her mom said wiping her tears, walking towards the kitchen. Vaishu wiped her tears smiling proudly.

In london,

In office.

Faisu has arranged the CCTV footage for past 2 days. Avneet was standing bending, looking at laptop screen. Yes, she was watching CCTV footage. That's when she saw that no one was in office and taking it advantage, a man came inside Siddharth's room.

Avu (stopped the video): Wait! Who is he going in Siddharth's office?

Faisu who was standing beside her, raised his eyebrow attempting to look at the screen.

Avu (stern voice): Faisu, zoom this face and I want a clear picture of this man.

Faisu (picking the laptop which was infront of Avneet): Yes ma'am!

He took couple of minutes to zoom it and make it clear. Once he was done, his eyes went wide open. Avneet saw that.

Avu (confused): What happened? Who is he?

Faisu (looking at Avneet in shock): Ma'am our finance manager Mr. Dinanath.

Avneet (in anger, shock): Mr. Dinanath.....


To be continued.

Next chapter would disclose some secrets. Who knows?

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