Chapter 54

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Sidd carefully laid Abhi on the bed while Abhi groaned as his brother straightened his legs. He was covered by the blanket by his brother while Vaishu and Sam were along with them. Sidd handed the medicines to Vaishu.

Sidd: Bhabhi, here are his medicines. If you guys would need anything, just inform me.

Sidd turned to leave when he heard his brother calling him.

Abhi: Ashu!

Sidd gulped his saliva before turning back.

Abhi (pressing his lips): Can you sit with me for some time?

Sidd (chuckled humorously, eyeing Vaishu): You have more dear relationships than me, who cares more for you than me.

Sidd (facing Abhi): and I am tired. So, I need rest, please.

Vaishu called for him but he didn't listen to him and rushed out of the room. Abhi suddenly held Vaishu's hand as he was feeling nauseous. She looked at him.

Vaishu (sitting beside him, making him drink water): Are you okay?

Abhi just nodded, exhaling sharply. He suddenly joined his hands in front of her while she was astonished. She looked up to find tears in his eyes.

Abhi (cracky voice): I know whatever I did was wrong but please, forgive me.

Vaishu just looked at him blankly.


Sidd entered his room blankly while Avu, who was already in the room looked at him to find him lost. She frowned. Sidd walked till the bed and sat on the bed with thud, massaging his temples. She slowly approached him, sitting beside him, she held his shoulder.

Avu: Is anything bothering you?

Sidd (low voice, massaging his temples): I cannot handle all this anymore.

She slowly removed his hand and started massaging his head while he closed his eyes finding peace. She smiled seeing him getting relaxed.

Avu (massaging his head): Don't think anything right now. Get some sleep.

Sidd (holding her hand, opening his eyes): Can we cuddle?

Avu chuckled, nodding her head. They both cuddled and slept peacefully.


Next morning, Avu woke up first to find herself in her husband's warm arms. She looked up to find him sleeping peacefully and smiled brightly. She slowly kissed his hand and came out of his hold. She came out of her room to find Vaishu sleeping on the couch in a sitting position. She peeped inside Abhi's room to find him and Sam sleeping. She signed and went to kitchen. She was making breakfast when Vaishu also came in kitchen while Avneet was unaware of her presence.

Vaishu: Can I help?

Avu turned around to see her standing there.

Avu: No everything is done. Just come and have your breakfast. Wake Abhishek bhai as well.

She was about to leave when Vaishu held her hand.

Vaishu: I'm sorry Avneet, I became a little selfish.

Avu turned around to see her.

Vaishu (with tears in her eyes): I know Abhi's deeds cannot be forgotten so easily. I just got a little emotional at that time.

Avu (coming forward): Can I ask you a question?

Vaishu nodded.

Avu: You, me, Sidd and everyone has seen your love for Abhishek bhai. Are you sure, you would be able to get a divorce from him?

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