Chapter 51

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Sidd was sitting outside the ward, holding his head in his hands. That's when Avneet came out and saw him. She signed as she knew how stubborn her husband was. She paced near her husband and sat beside him while he still had his head in his hands. She slowly placed her hand on his shoulder.

Avu (politely): Siddharth, are you alright?

Sidd (shaking his head): I don't know anything. I feel like suffocating.

Avu (insisting): Then don't do it. Go to your brother and free yourself from this suffocation.

Sidd looked at her in shock while she was looking at him.

Sidd (slowly, whispering): You also think the same.

Avu opened her mouth to say something, shaking her head, but Sidd didn't allow her.

Sidd: You also think that I can forget everything so easily?

Avu (holding his hand): Siddharth, when I am telling you to forget, it doesn't mean to forgive him. Forget everything for a while.

Sidd (holding his head): I can't understand what I should do and whatnot.

That's when Vaishu paced in front of Sidd and stood there.

Vaishu (angry): What do you want, Siddharth? Why are you doing this to Abhi?

Sidd stood up, confused, followed by Avneet.

Sidd (confusingly): What I am doing to him?

Vaishu (mad, yelling): You are pushing him to death. Have you seen how much pain he is facing? He is continuously asking about you by nurses. He wants to see you, and you?

Sidd (whispering): I what? How can you forget this soon, whatever he did with you? How can you?

Vaishu gulped down her saliva.

Vaishu (looking away): It is my and his personal matter.

Sidd (tears in his eyes, angry): PERSONAL MATTER, really? He was wondering our affair, doubting your and my character, disrespecting and misbehaving with you. Still, you are standing here in front of me, taking his favour.

Vaishu looked down, not getting any words. Avneet got hold on his arm, as he was very angry and it was not good for his health at that point. Right now, Avneet was more concerned about his health rather than this useless argument.

Avu: Siddharth, please calm down. She didn't mean that. She was just.....

Sidd (jerking her hand in anger, yelling): Ya, you also didn't mean the same. She also didn't mean the same. It's only me who is fool and stupid around here.

Vaishu and Avneet looked at each other as they realized its not good for him to stress as he had given blood, and at the second point, it wasn't the right place also. That is when a nurse came near them.

Nurse: Excuse me, ma'am! This is the hospital. Patients and doctors are getting disturbed by noise.

Avu (bitting her lip): We are sorry, we will be careful.

The nurse left from there while Vaishu glanced at mad Sidd.

Vaishu (calmly): Look Ashu, calm down. I didn't mean that.

Sidd (loudly): You all don't mean anything. It is only me who is the criminal here, right? Because of me, he is in the hospital, right? It is all...........

Suddenly, Sidd held Avneet's shoulder for support. His head spinned for a second. Avneet quickly held him by his waist and made him sit on the seat while Sidd kept his head on her shoulder. Vaishu immediately felt guilty and regretted being mad at him, knowing that he hadn't eaten anything since he donated blood, just to see his brother fine. Vaishu sat on her kness in front of him.

Avu (patting his cheek, worried): Siddharth, Siddharth. Are you alright?

Vaishu (rubbing his hand in between hers): Ashu, look at me. See, I'm sorry for shouting at you. Ashu!

Sidd (unconscious, eyes closed, whispering): I can not forget it easily.

Tears fell from Avneet's eyes hearing him. She slowly caressed his hair and stopped a nurse passing by.

Avu (worried, rush): Excuse me, nurse, can you help us.

The nurse stepped near them.

Avu (worried): My husband fainted. Please call any doctor.

Nurse: I'm up to it, ma'am.

The nurse left in a rush to call any doctor on round. Avneet again patted his cheeks, but there came no response.

Avu (looking at Vaishu, burst while crying): How can you say this to him, knowing how weak he is? Haven't you seen how he was worried and crying for his brither?Don't you care for him a bit? Why are you being mad at him, knowing everything? Why? It might be you, who don't need him but I do.

Vaishu went numb hearing Avneet. Tears fell from her eyes.


Sidd was lying on the hospital bed, being checked by the female doctor while Avu was standing beside her. The doctor turned to her.

Doctor: It's nothing serious but can I ask you a question?

Avu: Yeah, sure.

Doctor: Is he Mr. Abhishek's brother?

Avu: Yes, he is.

Doctor: Did he eat anything after donating blood?

Avu shook her head.

Doctor (shaking her head): That is why, he fainted. I have given him glucose. Let him rest for a while but make sure to give him something to eat when he wakes up.

Avu (smiling): Thank you, Doctor.

The doctor nodded, leaving the room. Avu slowly walked near Sidd and slowly caressed his forehead, taking a breath of relief.

That's when the door was knocked and Vaishu came in. Avneet looked away.

Vaishu (in guilt): How is Ashu, now?

Avu (with anger in voice): I am here for him. You should go to Abhishek bhai and look for him. You don't need to worry about Sidd.

Vaishu opened her mouth to say something as tears fell from her eyes when Avneet spoke.

Avu: Kindly leave. I want some time alone.

Vaishu didn't say anything and left from there.

Avu (looking at Sidd, in mind): Now, everything will happen according to you, Siddharth. I won't let Vaishu or anyone else force you. I will always be by your side.

She slowly sat beside him on the bed and kissed his forehead gently.

Avu (with tears): I don't know about anyone else but I need you. You are like a moon in my life. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise.

She slowly closed her eyes as her tears fell on Sidd's hand. Her love was a magic to him.



To be continued.

So sorry for the delay but I hope you liked the chapter.

The next chapter will be a little spicy. Be ready.

But before that complete the goals: 140 votes and 100 comments.

Words: 1095

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