Chapter 31

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Vaishu was sitting in her office, rocking her chair back and forth. She was lost in her thoughts. That's when a scene played in front of her eyes like a movie.


Sidd and Vaishu were in the kitchen, making a sweet dish and pulling each other's legs. There, Sidd cracked a joke, and Vaishu laughed out loud. Unfortunately, this scene was seen by Abhi, and he was burning with his anger seeing them. He closed his eyes to calm himself and walked inside. As soon as Sidd noticed him, he dragged his arm, which Abhi jerked suddenly. It tensed the environment, and both stopped laughing, seeing mad Abhi in front of them. Sidd and Vaishu looked at each other before Sidd spoke.

Sidd: What happened, dada? You seem mad.

Abhi (looking at him with red eyes): Mind your own business.

Sidd felt hurt hearing his brother's taunt words. He just looked down, not wanting him to get madder. Vaishu frowned at Abhi's behavior.

Vaishu (a little loud): What is this way of talking to someone, Abhi?

Abhi shook his head and held Vaishu's wrist tightly.

Abhi: Don't come in between me and my brother, and I want to talk to you. Come with me.

Vaishu (trying to free herself): Abhi, leave my hand. You are hurting me.

But Abhi didn't care about her protest and dragged her with him. He threw her onto the bed as soon as they reached their room. Vaishu winced as her foot got twisted, but she didn't care about it. She looked at him, having anger in her eyes.

Vaishu (loud): What is this behavior, Abhi? Huh?

Abhi (mad): What were you doing in the kitchen with Siddharth?

Vaishu (standing up): What was I doing that hurt your ego?

Abhi stepped ahead, decreasing the distance between them.

Abhi (dangerous whispering): Do you even have any idea how close you were to him?

Vaishu (confusingly): Wait! What are you trying to say?

Abhi (whispering): Aarush was watching you being so close to him. Do you know how embarrassed I felt in front of him?

Vaishu rolled her eyes, hearing the name that she hated the most.

Vaishu (crossing her arms across her chest): So, you mean to say that you don't like my and Sidd's closeness?

Abhi: That's what I mean.

Vaishu was left astonished, hearing these kinds of statements from him. It unwillingly bought tears to her eyes.

Vaishu (whispering): You weren't like this Abhi. He is your brother, my baby bro. How can you think like that?

Abhi: He is not your husband, I am. He is my brother, not yours. Stay away from him before others start gossiping about you.

Vaishu (chuckled humorously): You are not my Abhi speaking. It is that Aarush who is speaking in you. You never had any problem with my and Sidd's relationship, but I can see Aarush manipulating you.

Vaishu (stern voice): I very well know what he wants. Let me get him whatever he wants.

As soon as she completed, she passed Abhi and took steps towards the door to go out, but Abhi held her wrist. Their backs faced each other.

Abhi (stern voice): You are not going anywhere, and he hasn't said anything like that.

Vaishu: Don't try to make me a fool. I know whose thinking it is. If today I won't stop him, I will regret it as I did in the past.

Abhi (stern loud voice): I ordered you won't go anywhere.

Vaishu (freeing her hand): I have also decided to go, and no one can stop me.

She protested against his grip, and finally, when she was out of his grasp, she started to walk towards the door. Before she could reach the door, she was pulled by a muscular arm and she felt force on her cheek. Yes, unfortunately, Abhi lost control and slapped her. Everything around them froze. Vaishu looked up slowly with tears in her eyes and found Abhi standing there examining his hand, regretting but it was too late for it. Her eyes didn't blink as she stared at him while Abhi looked down at his hand and left from there shutting the door hard. Vaishu stumbled and fell in shock.

Jis ka aane se muqammal hogai thi Zindagi
Dastakain khushiyune ne di thein
Mit gain thi har gammi.

Vaishu's eyes started leaking tears unknowingly while she was sitting like a statue on the cold ground.

Kyun bewajah di yeh saza
Kyun khwaab de ke woh le gaya
Mile jo hum, lage sitam
Aazab ayese woh de gaya

Vaishu's lips escaped a sob and it felt like she lost her everything today.

Flashback ends.

Vaishu closed her eyes as a tear fell from her eye. She leaned back, tugging her hair behind her ear.

Vaishu's pov

I wish Aarush wouldn't have manipulated you and you wouldn't have believed him. You not only raised your hand that day but also pointed at my character. From that time, your behavior with me wasn't acceptable. I ignored it for my daughter but you weren't stopping at any point. How can any person be mine when he couldn't be his brother, who is his blood? You didn't trust your beloved Abhishek Nigam. You don't deserve to be with them. I just hope where ever Sidd is, he is fine, happy, and far away from you.

Pov ends.

She opened her eyes, exhaling sharply. Wiping her tears, she sat straight and started completing her designs.


Abhi was throwing his clothes in his suitcase, pushing them inside harshly. He zipped the bag and sat there on the bed, inhaling deeply to calm himself. He looked up stretching his neck and closing his eyes.

Abhi's Pov

How unlucky I am. When I finally found Siddharth, I couldn't do anything against him. Just because of businesswoman Avneet. She has much more sources than me. I cannot even complain to F.B.I. because this incident occurred in India. Avneet very well knows the rules and laws of the U.S.A. and she is known as well. Siddharth will get punishment for what he did but right now, Sam is more important to me. She can't live more than a week without me. I have to leave for her. 

pov ends. 

He opened his eyes as he heard his phone ringing. He attended the call, dragging his phone

Abhi: yes?

His manager: Sir, your flight is scheduled for 4 pm which is after 2 hours.

Abhi (nodding): Alright! thank you for it. See ya tomorrow in the office. 

He declined the call and stood up. Taking his bag, he left there in no time. 


Avneet was standing there, near the dining table ordering the maids to set the table as she wanted. She had made lunch for Siddharth today. She took an off from the office and made everything that Sidd likes to have for lunch. She settled a plate which wasn't kept properly by the maid and smiled seeing the table all set. 

Avu (a little loud): Naira, settle the dishes on the table and let me call everyone for lunch. 

Naira (the servant)(from the kitchen): Yes ma'am!

That's when. Avneet's phone rang. She frowned and dragged her phone out of her pocket. Her expression looked astonished as she saw the name of the person calling. Well, she didn't expect this number to call her. 



To be continued. 

How was the chapter? 

Spoiler: Another twist!

Words: 1225

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