Chapter 17

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Vaishu (loud): Mom, I'm home.

She informed in a loud voice removing her boots and freeing her hair from a ponytail while standing at the entrance only. She passed by the lounge still massaging her hair when her eyes caught someone and ears caught a voice. She walked back to look at Aarush sitting on the couch talking to her mother. Her anger rose to such an extent that she couldn't control. That's when, Aarush's eyes caught her. He stood up.

Aarush (smiling): Oh Hi, what a pleasant surprise. How are you?

Vaishu stood there. Her mother looked at Vaishu who was fuming in anger.

Vaishu (dangerous angry voice): What are you doing here? Huh?

Aarush went quite and his smile faded hearing her.

Aarush: I-I just came to meet aunty, Uncle and you.

Vaishu (folding her arms towards her chest): You met right. I think you should leave now. The door is right there.

She said pointing at the entrance door. Her mom wanted to speak but then kept quite. Vaishu left from there in anger. She banged the door hard which made a loud sound.

Aarush (in mind): She is still mad at me.

Vaishu's mom (diverting his mind): Ah, beta you sit. Let me bring snacks for you.

Aarush nodded while she left from there. Aarush went behind Vaishu and opened the door to see her throwing things here and there. A book fell near Aarush's feet. Vaishu stopped looking at him. He looked up at her to see her already mad at her. She rushed towards him and held his collar.

Vaishu (yelling): How dare you? HOW DARE YOU STEP IN MY FUCKING ROOM?

Aarush (calm): Vaish, calm down.

Vaishu (yelling): Why? If today I am in this state you are 50% responsible for it. You are the reason.

Aarush: Vaishu, I haven't done anything.

Vaishu jerked leaving his collar.

Vaishu (low dangerous voice): oh really? You were the one to create that shitty misunderstanding between us. You didn't even thought about that little child who needed a healthy and happy environment.

Aarush stepped a little furthur.

Aarush (pleading eyes): Vaishu, believe me I love you and I have done everything for you only.

Vaishu shook her head in disrelief with anger clear in her eyes.

Vaishu (calmly): How can you love me when you don't even know the meaning of it? You would have loved me if you hadn't done anything seeing me happy with Abhi but, unfortunately you never had that feeling. Despite being my cousin, you and Abhi ruined my entire life. Shame on you.

She left her room in anger, leaving him behind in guilt and painful thoughts. Love is not always easy. He dragged his head.

Vaishu entered the kitchen in anger while her mother looked at her in confusion.

Vaishu: Mama, I have some work. Inform me when Aarush leaves. I will come back.

Mom (cutts off): But beta....

Vaishu didn't let her complete and dragged her coat walking towards the entrance and banged the door hard leaving the home. Her mom looked down with tears in her eyes. A mother was seeing her daughter all messed, lonely and this is enough for a mother to die.

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