Chapter 13

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Avneet was sitting on her boss chair, rocking it back and forth when suddenly she heard a knock on her glass door.

Avu (loudly): Come in!

Mr. Dinanath came inside and stood infront of Avneet's table, bowing his head.

Di :you called me ma'am!

Avneet looked up at him, giving him dangerous look. She sat straight, pretending to smile.

Avu: Mr. Dinanath, I have heard that you are giving extra hours to your work.

Di: yes ma'am.

Avu (raising her eyebrow): may I know why? I haven't assigned you any extra tasts.

Di: Um, ma'am actually I haven't come to office for 2 days 1 week before so, just was completing my working hours.

Avneet acted as being impressed while she herself is an inspiration for many girls out there.

Avu (smiles): Wow, our company is so lucky to make compititive workers out there. That's great!

Mr. Dinanath, who was around 30 years smirked wondering that his plan is successful.

Avu (stern voice): Let me come to the point. Where have you kept the file which was made by Siddharth and was suppose to be represented by him but got exchange with another file?

Mr. Dinanath's smile faded away and fear took over him while Avneet and Faisu smirked.

Din (stammering): Y-Yes ma'am?

Faisu rushed close to him, holding his collar and ranging at him with anger in his dangerous, dark eyes.

Faisu (a little loud): You didn't heard what she said. SPEAK UP NOW!!

Mr. Dinanath flinched in fear.

Din (stammering in fear): I-I haven't done anything Sir! Please !

Avu (stern voice): Faisu, hand him over to the police. Ask the police to do anything but we want the truth from his mouth.

As soon as Mr. Dinanath heard police, he fell in Avneet's feet who was sitting on her chair like a queen sitting in her castle.

 Dinanath heard police, he fell in Avneet's feet who was sitting on her chair like a queen sitting in her castle

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(Avneet's office)

Avneet smirked seeing him falling in her feet.

Avu: I want the truth or rlse be ready to face consequences.

Din (stammering in fear): I-I'm sorry ma'am. I-I'm sorry. Yes, I changed that file secretly.

This rose Avneet's anger.

Avu (ranged): But why?

Din (stammering in fear): Y-You appointed him as your P.A and also k-kept him in your good books. I was jealous as I was elder than him and was working for long time but I didn't got that post which he got. That's why, in order to take his seat I did all this. I-I'm sorry.

Avneet looked at him disappointed while he was sobbing.

Avu: I'm also sorry but I can't keep you on job again. You are fired.

Mr. Dinanath stood up in shock.

Din (joining his hands): Ma'am please, I have children. Please! Don't do this to me. Please

Avneet banged her hand on the table in anger hearing him.

Avu (dangerous voice): isn't it the same which you did with Siddharth? Huh? You thought you will do all this and no one would find out. No one would come to know about it. Huh!!

Mr. Dinanath was just mumbling sorry and was sobbing joining his hands. Avu took a deep breath before speaking.

Avu: You will get your resignation letter and if I want I can arrest you but this is the chance for you. This is all we can do for you. You can go now!

Din (sobbing): Ma'am, please......

Avu (cutting him off): Faisu, ask the guards to get him out of my office.

Faisu nodding calling the guards while he was continuously pleading. The guards entered the luxurious room and dragged Mr. Dinanath while he was just pleading. As soon as they left, Avneet spoke rubbing her temples.

Avu (rubbing her temples): Faisu, make sure he doesn't work here anymore and doesn't visit this office ever in his life.

Faisu nodding agreeing to her.

Faisu: yes ma'am! (noticing her rubbing her temples contunuously) ma'am should I bring juice for you?

Avu (exhaling sharply): No, just send a coffee with some patties please!

Faisu nodding as he understood her situation. He was her manager and he was from the time when she started handling her bussiness. Slightly change in her actions or expressions can be understood by him and now he was very sure that she is in love with Siddharth but unfortunately haven't realized it. He smiled at her, leaving the room. Avneet was continuously thinking when something stroke her mind. She picked her branded I-phone 14 and strolled through her caller list. She clicked on Siddharth's number dragging the phone near to her ear. It was on ringing but no one was picking it up.

Avu (mumbling to herself getting curious): Siddharth please pick up the phone.

But it wasn't answered. She dialed another time but this time also, it went on ringing but wasn't picked up. Avneet placed her phone on table in anger.

Avu (worried): Where are you Siddharth? Please! Come back.

She was on first step of love without realizing that she has started falling for a normal guy, wait no not normal but mysterious bussiness man who wasn't interested in her at all. Being a strong bussiness woman, she was falling for a mysterious broken guy who has nothing in his life now. Can you imagine it?


To be continued

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