Chapter 28

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Avu (politely): Do you really wanna share it?

Sidd (sipping his juice): If I won't, it would suffocate me more, and maybe it can stop my heart from beat...

He was cut off by a hand. Yes, Avneet placed her hand on his lips with real anger flashing on her face. They looked into each other's eyes so deeply that they could read other's thoughts and souls. Well, I don't know about others, but Sidd won't be spared by Avu for saying that.

Avu (with angry glare and hand still on his lips): Never say it again. Never forget that you have me in your heart. The heart which belongs to me, and as long as I am in your heart, it can't stop beating.

Sidd didn't move a bit only but was just looking into her eyes. Avni removed her hand on his lips, still staring in his dark hazel orbs. It felt like time stopped. They weren't interested in anything but thenselves only. That's when Avu broke the eye contact and placed a plate in front of him. It had an egg, the bioled egg was well decorated.

Sidd smiled, looking at the decoration done by her.

Sidd (looking at her, smiling): This is so cute

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Sidd (looking at her, smiling): This is so cute.

Avu: Just like you. Now finish it fast and then you have to sleep. You are already not well.

Sidd (in bored tone): I am fine.

Avu (glaring him): Yeah, I can see that.

Sidd looked away, not meeting her strong glares while Avu smiled at his expressions.

Avu (picking an egg and handing over to him): Now, finish it fast. I'll get changed.

Sidd nodded, pushing the egg in his mouth, making faces while Avu left to change her dress into nighty.


Sidd was sitting on the bed, lost somewhere. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to share everything or not. When he was getting his answer, yes, anyone fear was overcoming his mind. In short, he was in a huge dilemma. That's when Avneet knocked at the door and entered inside. Sidd, who was lost in his thoughts, looked up at her coming towards him. She held his hand, caressing it as she smiled.

Sidd: Avneet! Don't you think it's late. I-I must go now.

Avu (serious): But you aren't feeling well, Siddharth.

Sidd: I will take care of myself. I promise.

Avu shook her head.

Avu (in strict voice): You won't go anywhere. When I have asked you to stay, it means stay. Understood?

Sidd suddenly looked at her with a lost, sad smile.

Sidd (chuckling humourously): You know, my mom was also your Xero copy. She always used to scold me like this.

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