You are that RarE SunShine

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You are the little speck of colour my life puts on,

You are the light that shines through the darkened dawn.


There's none like you,
with such a spotless mind;

I consider you the priceless reward of my life.


With you I could have a thousand fight,

Yet still there would be only one 'YOU' to share my crazy mind !


I might have brushed past with millions in life,

But YOU are the only ONE  who's my golden 'Sunshine '!


DEAREST-- don't forget to think about me ;

That's all I ask from you--
Till infinity ...



A Person's innermost feelings for the ONe that changed his/her Life . And so the poet pleads for a moment of remembrance from his dearest person's heart and nothing more.

Hope it's clear? If not you are free to ask. I will clear the confusion. 😊


Take care and don't forget to leave your comments if you like reading it.  :))


Loves and Kisses ❤

-- Yours Isa

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