FinD PuposE in Your DreamS!

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Find PuposE in Your DreamS--

In the garden of your dreams, sow seeds of hope,
Let not the weight of expectations make you doubt.
For burdens heavy upon your spirit, they will tread,
But lightness in your heart will carry you ahead.

Release the grip of worry, let fears dissipate,
Embrace the power of now before it's too late.
Your hopes are like feathers, meant to lift you high,
So let them soar freely towards the limitless sky.

With steadfast faith and a courageous mind,
Your dreams will blossom, beautifully aligned.
Believe in yourself, in your strength and scope,
And never make a burden of your precious hopes.

In the tapestry of dreams, we weave,
Let hope make you believe,
For burdens heavy, hopes can bear,
When nurtured with belief and care.

Release the fears that hold you tight,
Embrace the dawn, carry your inner light.
Your hopes are wings meant to soar,
Through stormy skies and above oceans' roar.

So let them rise, unfettered, free,
A beacon of possibility.
In every breath, in every choice,
Find strength in dreams, don't make them a yoke.

Dreams like butterflies, delicate and bright,
Let them explore freely, take flight.
Don't weigh them down with heavy chains,
Let hope be your light when darkness reigns.

Like seeds in the soil, hopes planted deep,
Water them with faith, watch them leap.
Don't let doubts overshadow your way,
Believe in tomorrow, come what may.

Embrace each challenge as a chance to grow,
Let resilience and courage show.
Don't let the burden of doubt pull you low,
Your hopes are the seeds from which happiness will grow.

So carry your hopes like a feather on the breeze,
Let them lift you up with effortless ease.
Don't make a burden of your dreams so high,
For in their pursuit, you'll learn how to fly.


Thank you for Reading.

God bless you ❤️

-- Isa

Approbation of an Irrational  Heart ( Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now