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In the quiet corners of my mind, I've discovered a land,
Where riddles reside and mysteries unwind.

There they float like smoke in an ether -
Unseen yet felt, soundless but heard.

Do you know why we love riddles?
I'll tell you - it's not for their clever disguise or charming mystique,
It's because our hearts are poets too - seeking meanings beyond what eyes can see.

Riddle me this: Why does the sun rise?
Is it merely to light up your face as dawn breaks?

Or could it be that each morning is simply another chance...
To find answers amongst uncertainties; solutions amidst chaos;
Isn't every sunrise - the world whispering softly... 'try again'?

You might say science has its reasons - earth rotates on axis so precise.

But just once suspend reason and let heart have its voice:
Could this rotation mean more than celestial mechanics at play...
Perhaps reminding us - that no matter how dark yesterday was...a new day always awaits!

Now consider moonlight - so gentle against night's heavy cloak;
Does she only exist to guide weary travelers home?
Maybe there exists deeper meaning within her tender glow -
An affirmation whispered through universe: You're never alone...

The resonance of these questions echo with profound effect,
Not designed solely to befuddle - but provoke introspection instead.

So next time when life seems scrambled - a complex enigma without end ;
Remember - you hold power - to solve any mystery sent your way .

Don't seek definitive answer - for sometimes truth changes form ,
Like water shifting shape - from rain.


My dears, if you enjoyed reading then please do not forget to share your innermost thoughts. I will be delighted. 🤗

Thank you and God bless you ❤️

-- Yours Isa

Approbation of an Irrational  Heart ( Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now