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In the midst of the sea, I stand alone,
A singular soul among the multitude.
Not lost, but found in this solitary state,
Each pulse whispers untold narratives.

You perceive me an outsider in your realm,
Yet my solitude harbors latent strength.
An echo that bounces off time's sturdy walls,
Resonating through the silent expanse of space.

Invisible ties bind us together;
We are more alike than we seem.
Beneath a shared sky, we assemble -
Individual hearts beating in rhythm.

I am but a wave in your boundless sea,
Distinct, yet part of a greater whole.
Alone on the surface, but below...
Unity resides in the depths!

Look closer... can't you sense the rhythm?
Our hearts drumming in harmony - a single beat!
Echoing across life's grand symphony.

Treasure each note, as if golden -
They color our existence with vibrant hues.
Filling each moment with stunning beauty;
Life's pulse flowing through unseen veins.

In the infinite sea, I find comfort,
Feeling waves of energy enveloping me.
Admitting: Yes! We may be separate entities,
But our spirits unite under the same sun.

So when you gaze upon the lone outsider,
See more than the surface suggests.
Acknowledge our deep-rooted interconnection,
Cherish the ties that bind us as one.

Though I stand alone in the crowd,
Remember- The crowd also resides within me.
Like hues merging into pure light,
Together, we create unparalleled brilliance.

This truth becomes my guiding light,
Piercing the fog, illuminating my path.
In my solitude, I am never alone -
I am, after all, part of the All.


Whoever reads it -- I Hope it makes you feel better and realise, we are all part of the same universe ❤️

Take care of yourself.

Love ❤️

-- Yours Isa

Approbation of an Irrational  Heart ( Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now