WishfuL ThinkinG....
My mind likes to wander.
Puttering in a fertile oasis.
I drift, thumbing pictures in my head.Pristine blue waters,
towering mountains,
eddies swirling in granite boulder filled streams.Gazing upward, I'm nestled in a bed of kelp.
Exhaling, bubbles skitter about,
arcing to escape liquid confines.
Beauty caresses me in my cocoon.Chaos lurks nearby, angling for position.
Anxious, impatiently waiting.Tirelessly demanding.
I slide off into an Abyss,
gliding between vivid and transparent.Past experiences so clear,
I am sure I've touched them... again.Emotions stir - - - Pure, unrefined emotions,
not yet tainted by life.A silent parade before me,
tears of joy, sadness and its tightening coil,
Amidst all, anger tumbling frantically, a sudden swell of pride.Collectively they rise and fall to meet my curiosity.
Blankly, I stare,
focus slowly drifts in and out, ebbing like a tide.Today, I watched my dad,
taking me to SchooL---
as a young man,
holding my small hands in his warm big palm.But, as I opened my Eyes,
I realised it was the Dream Again!The Dream I see over and Over...
I better take my leave now, off to my safe place,
Where the tears don't hurt and the HEART doesn't itch with Longing....
To the Ones I have LOST.
Thank you if you are reading this Poem!
Lots of Love ❤️
-- Yours Isa
Approbation of an Irrational Heart ( Poetry Collection)
Poetrypoetry collection#random thoughts# driving deep inside the dark abyss# penning to understand myself and others# sometimes emotions, sometimes longing, sometimes random thoughts jumping out of my reverie. Ongoing....