MissinG YOU--!

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Missing YOU---

The year has turned again, numbered two,
a leap across fate's threshold hand in hand.

Spring's awakening stirs, but finds me solitary.
I wander Alone down our wooded Path,
each familiar bend now Strange and lonesome.

The wind whispers your Name, cutting through Me
Colder than Winter's bitterest bite.

In the lengthening days since YOU vanished,
I've counted each minute an aeon.
One hundred spins of the Earth around the Sun
will not relieve this Ache.

The Earth's rebirth is but Cruel illusion,
the relentless turning of Seasons
a Reminder of every loss and absence.
In the burgeoning blooms I see only Withered Hopes.

Each new dawn threatens
oblivion of your face, your Voice.
Memories fade like fog before the rising Sun.

Our woven lives unravel, thread by thread.
The coming day only mocks my desolation.

I search each emerging leaf for traces of YOU,
strain to hear your laughter in the quickening stream.

But only Silence and Stillness Echo my Cries.
As I sink to my knees in Anguish,
a hand grasps mine. I turn to find YOU,
radiant in the dappled sunlight.

"Not gone," you Whisper.
"Only waiting for Spring's Return, and YOU."

Joy floods my heart once more.
As I Wait to Join YOU!


An ode to my Mother and the Ones I lost ....

Thank you for your time. 🤎

-- Isa

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