She Rises

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She Rises

Warm waves since water
fall; wonder waits,
estranged, but lusting
for the human
who wanders in
ankle deep, whose earthfelt
footfall lifts
since well-felt forms first
took task to sand.

An era, she has
scanned the distant snow
caps and lived to believe
what pooled into days,
such as this one, sun
-reveled into beamlucent puddle,
and, as her chanced
-upon body
of water spills its mind
into time,

her organelles trouble
themselves to survive, a microcosm
rife with the incomprehensible.

As a pond, she still encounters
presence even as it condenses
and permeates fields encompassed
by her mist-slowed thought

and rises. She feels the rain
and merges moment into concept
by way of minnow sprinting
(as your mind becomes
her miracle)

through its own image.


Thank you for your time.

-- Isa

Approbation of an Irrational  Heart ( Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now