The Moon Speaks To me Of You!

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The Moon Speaks to Me Of You!

Shall we dance into the night
you & I
our words but a whisper?

What is it
that makes this soft sadness
so indeterminable
so impenetrable
sunk so deep
into this endless night?

The broken light that comes & goes
between the darkness
either side of dawn
speaking of your memory
ushering in each day
one, as if a step away from you
the next, a step towards you.

I see your eyes
the moon dancing in their gaze
with each tremble of our sudden doom
& each song of ours sang & played
in this old house beside the water
the soundtrack to our time
fills each & every solemn room.

And the time still ticks off itself
your presence no less clearer
no further from me
no closer than before
it wasn't meant to be like this
nor will it ever be the same again, once more.

To say goodbye now
would be on breath undrawn
from the body laid supine
just waiting
to kiss the stars in your eyes
your breath, to feel, so warm
& hear your heart. . . far away
from this malaise
each tumbling thought
into the past
no resipiscent ripples cast.

It's as if you've gone abroad
along with me far
from return--

& when I see you on a grey day
just bursting with your sunshine
I want to call out
but you have blown on the breeze away
from the house we built & the time we had
across the night's cold water
into the mystical moon.


Thank you for Reading. ☺️

Good night. Love to all ♥️

-- Isa

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