I Belong To the Wilderness!!

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I belong to the Wilderness!

I'm from
red Earth's clay
and pines dancing in the barrens
I'm from
pea soup humidity
and sweat-drenched curls bleached by the sun

I'm from
gulf breezes
and salty kisses
and rain-lashed hurricane nights
tinged with fear and adrenaline
I'm from
waves breaking on the sand
and in my heart

I'm from
misty mountain mornings
and sugar-sweet zephyrs tinged with green
that sing through fairy-laced forests
I'm from
cold, crisp mountain streams
that run in my veins,
comingling with the sea

I'm from
bright and hot
and endless roaring summer days
where we ran through the fields,
bare feet kissing the sandy soil of farmland
that stretched endlessly into the golden sunset
melting into trees

I'm from
boundless sunshine
and warm winters
and fireflies in February
who tango in time
to the rhythm of the spring peepers
hiding in the woods
singing us to sleep
under the hushed lullaby of southern skies


Thank you for your time. ❤️

This poem is inspired by George Ella Lyon's poem Where I Am From.

Take care. God bless you

-- Isa

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