Symphony Of The SouL

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Symphony Of the SouL

Lazily floating on the wings of sound,
Unspoken notes dance in the whispers of melody, and echoes elegantly unfurl.
They fly through the inner grove of the mind,
Melodies of delight, a symphony to behold.

A rhythmic sweetness akin to the soft flow of honey,
The wind gives a bouquet of fragrant flowers.
Their very nature, a sacrifice, a spiritual feast,
The chanting exalts in the altar of perception.

Heartbeat reverberates within the embrace of rhythm.
A union of melody and sweetness, heavenly elegance.
Through a melodic stream's bright veins,
Unifying into unity, a heavenly vision.

They gently play, awakening echoes,
In the tempo of silence, as daylight fades to gray.
They soar in the haven of consciousness,
Melodies that linger in the darkness.

Within the auditory fabric, where dreams collide,
The heavenly lyre, the melody of life.

In the universe of listening,
A journey without end.


Note :

I tried to convey in this poem the ethereal beauty of music and the deep bond it creates with our inner selves. The poetry aims to create a tapestry of feelings in which the finer points of sound are more than just sounds. May this poem speak to the global language of the soul, just as music can transcend language barriers.

Thank you for Reading ☺️

God bless ❤️

-- Isa

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