Ushering The Sun!

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Ushering --The Sun!

With golden hues and glowing rays, behold,
The rising sun ascends the eastern sky,
To gild the dawn with filigrees of gold,
And beckon nature from her slumber.

Awake! Ye flowers, unfurl your velvet grace,
Inhale the warmth of sunbeams’ sweet embrace,
In vibrant colors, dance to breezes’ song,
And cast your petals’ scent the air along.

As chimney smoke greets morn with swirling plumes,
The timid fauna scamper through the glade;
From slumb’ring chambers now their lives resume,
To greet the stage on which their parts are played.

From shadows of the dusk, the world I see,
Awakened by the sun’s sweet symphony.

To witness how the solar monarch reigns,
And wields the spectrum wand to paint the plains,
The valleys dressed in verdant emerald,
While jeweled drops of dew, like diamonds, fall.

The sunlight’s touch doth bathe the weeping trees
And lifts earth’s visage from the brooding night,
With laughter pure, those golden hands unleash
A cascade of bright rays and verdant light.

Through life’s melodic harmony we blend,
The radiant star as guide, confidant and friend.

For in this world, a blended realm of fire,
An argent moon will flee, the sun pursue,
Though darkness falls, the sun will never tire,
To brush the night away, and start anew.

Thus bound to Earth, we waltz around his throne,
And hand in hand, we kindred spirits glow.

Ye mortal soul, now mark the wisdom keen,
Awaken to the majesty above,
From somber depths, embrace life’s golden sheen,
Live fully, led by light and joy and love.

And when dusk’s melancholy poem is sung,
Fear not, for soon the sun shall be amongst us.
In chasing shadows, banish strife and rue,
For one day hence, the sun shall rise anew.


Thank you for your time.

❤️ Love
-- Isa

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